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I think it may be just before them

Thank you :D Sorry for the slow reply by the way I didn't get a notification as usual.

I looked into a few schools before buying and I always ended up coming back to Bizen, the sugata of Bizen blades always gets me aha :D


Hmm, that brings up a question: has anyone compared Bizen hada, etc. before & after the Yoshii floods? I don't want to hijaak this thread & will post elsewhere, if needed.




Ken must be referring to the great Yoshii River floods which washed away Bizen Osafune Fukuoka Castle and much of the sword making community around.


その後も浦上氏が守っていたが、大永年間(1521年~1528年)の大洪水により廃城となった。"Urakami continued to be masters of the castle until it was destroyed in the great floods of Ooei (1521-1528)."



Actually, I have heard that such floods continued for much of the middle of that century, until a proper embankment was built on the south of the river to contain its encroachments. Sword maanufacture must have continued throughout, to a greatly diminished degree, but then it would have picked up again towards the end of Muromachi and Momoyama.


From the same page: 福岡城は現在の長船町福岡付近の吉井川に築かれていたと考えられている。 現在長船カントリークラブの中にある丘陵と、対岸の寺山にある丘陵(本城山)が福岡城に関係する地となっているが詳らかではない。長船カントリークラブのクラブハウス脇に「福岡城跡の丘」と刻まれた石碑がある。また、福岡には鎌倉時代の「一遍上人絵伝」に記された「福岡の市」、長船の名刀「福岡一文字記念碑」、妙興寺には宇喜多興家、黒田高政の墓がある。

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Just ran across this interesting 2013 article by Markus Sessko about the floods and the Sukesada line:



From what I have heard locally among the sword savvy, there was a series of recurring floods from the 1520s onwards, but regardless, that would not detract from the detail in the article. Strangely though, it does not mention the almost total destruction of Fukuoka Castle in Osafune, which controlled the route into Okayama. There is also a parallel story about the Kiyomitsu.

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Actually the floods opend a deposits of iron ore that produced better tamahagane which produced better swords after the flood.







fake news

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