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Did you read his scrip?? now we know what he does to blades, no lines, all polished off!!!

id bet same guy as SS


Around 6 months ago i bought at auction in rural Indiana a beautiful WW2 katana brought back by Cpl. J. HIGGINS this name tag comes with it along with original silk wrap sword is completely original except new rayskin and silk from Japan made by Kanetsugu Saku in early 1900's has showa stamp but also has hada as being made with tamahagne water quench sword is beautiful it took me 4 months to polish amd rebuild it the tsuba is worth $500 and menuki are also this is the one pictures dont do it justice it is around 29" cutting edge was found in these exact civillian mounts and this sword is the best ive ever came across i actually hope it doesnt sell as iam not done researching it a seki stamped traditional made blade is RARE!!!!! And so is kanetsugu saku i was offered $2,000 last week so im putting it on here in hopes someone knows something im missing and i get closer to value menuki are hand made and seem to be gold plated all fittings were black until cleaned i put museum quality care into this iam incorporated and not a novice ive done this for 20 years and this is maybe the best ive found it rings like a bell and i believe this sword was taken by force as there are battle marks and defensive marks on back they are mostly polished out i also found out that the mei was inscribed by a professional as the Saku character is in very rare type iam afraid this sword is worth 10k but i cannot wait for answer as iam investing in bitcoin and i need money Fast so someone is going to get one on me oh well also this sword is maybe the only example of a showa seki stamped nihonto with obvious hada and layered hand forged steel it is obvious and cannot be argued it is my professional opinion that this maker was issued tamahagne and this beautiful peice of art was forged as they were in centuries past amd perhaps even older than i know as i havent even translated the date on back if anyone can PM me id appreciate it and will post any new info iam in chicago area and can deliver or pickup i do polishing under Farmland Fabrication my workspeaks for itself
I have all pictures from restoration every step not able to fit them iam new to alot of this computer stuff but am getting there be sure this sword is solid useful and beautiful i will gladlt keep it lol

https://www.facebook.com/pg/FarmlandFabrication/services/?service_id=1384429021625248&ref=page_internal  ther out to be a law, what if he finds something worthy of real restoration!!

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This is art.  


I think it's like those movies that are so bad they're good again. This paragraph has crossed the line of mere cobbled-up bullshit into something truly special. It has it all. The lies, the impossibly shitty attempt at creating hope to prospective buyers, the blade-maiming amateur polish, the 'I need money fast' nigerian scam vibe, the lack of basic grammar and punctuation... 


It's meme worthy. It's special. 


He writes a real "cliff hanger", I don't know whether to laugh or cry!



Real tough choice!!!



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well fleabay dosnt have hidden gems, bargains or truthful sellers but supplies more then its share of puns, memes, scams and general amusement for the crowds.


its like a free circus, for the eyes

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Seeing these things truly upsets me deep inside. :( .. I hope he hears an earful and decides to give up this hobby sooner rather than later.


I wouldn't get too upset.  He has only sold one sword - got a hundred bucks.  Here is the beauty that went across the block.  Might just be a novice floundering rather than an intentional four flusher.  



Id be upset, look at this auction, last two pix, second to last. showato in org polish, not bad looking for what it was, then last amateur polish, horrid. 



I messaged him at his Farmland Fabrication, told him to stay with his table work as ther not that bad, he wanted to know what me such a expert, he got a bit irate when i linked him this thread and was told to go back to my parents basement and troll someone else, anyway once delusion sets in you really cant convince someone they're doing harm.


Btw Kanetsugu with bohi? im sure a military collector would have like that.

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Stephen- I messaged him too.. I was polite until he said that all he needed to do was "throw the sword into a pond for a week to return it to its former condition". That's when I lost my cool!

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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