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Pet Dragon Solves Faux Roman Numeral Mystery!

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After reading through this thread when it popped into my feed I looked into my mumei type 98. I believe you are correct on the \ being 5 if you haven't already come to that conclusion


My nakago, fuchi, and habaki are filed with \I + III. The tsuba and tseppa are marked with 63. No stamps that I can find FWIW. 

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3 hours ago, BANGBANGSAN said:

Yep,XXXXX 50 and  /III 8=58


This is one of the things that made me curious. Typically, it seems, the numbers were not added together - just written down. For 58, I would not expect a bunch of x's added together; instead I would expect just the / for 5 and the /III for 8. Was it common for the numbers to have been added?

John C.

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Looks right. You'll notice the tsuka is marked with what looks like a + rather than a  - for the one. I have seen this before; probably so they did not confuse the 1 3 with a 4. I have also seen them use the + or x in place of a 0.

John C.

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