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I have bought what was advertised as a 17th c 'Samurai sword'.  The pic in the ad said otherwise, but the price was good, so i travelled to buy it.  It was in a parlous state, and if not rescued, would have been lost.  a couple of weeks later, and some gentle non destructive cleaning, and it's been brought back to life.  It still needs work, but you can see the potential. 


The Tsuba, sarute and fuchi are all matching, and are deep relief solid brass.  I don't recognise the motif.  Interestingly, no seppa's were fitted to the tang above or below the tsuba, and none were needed as the tsuka was a tight fit.  The habaki is signed.


I'm convinced it's genuine, but I'm worried about the blade.  It appears to be mokume'/Damascus, so it's probably older.  Advice please.








Doug,  Sorry but its a very bad Chinese fake. I note you are in Shropshire. It is against the law to sell such an item in the UK so the person you bought it from could be prosecuted. It may be a lever to get your money back.


Ian Bottomley

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For your sins, you are going to see all the swords listed in this link and compare them with the pictures you have posted, nothing matches.




Your post shows you have never seen the real thing. Japanese sword is good taste, everything is discreet, refined. Fakes are gross in the hamon, in the hada in their lines, in their tang not talking about kanji.....


Don't feel bad, a lot of us got taken in the beginning. I was fooled by a similar looking gunto. I was only out $400 so it was a cheap lesson. Mine had the same acid etched Damascus style blade.


Check out AOI website and look at the swords and the steel. Tamahagane is easy to spot once you know what to look for.


You are not alone. Thousands do the same. It's what keeps the fakers in business. Now you have to decide if you are pressing forward and becoming a student and collector, or moving on to easier stuff. A lot give up...but those that stick with it are the guys giving the advice in threads like these next year. Hope you choose the latter.
On an obvious one like this, I would really press the seller for a refund.

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