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Thanks everyone! There may have been a date but the corrison on that side of the nakago is even worse so its hard to say.


The blade itself is in good condition just some minor rust, and its lost very little steel.

Appears to be gunome midare with crab claws, and from the shape I would say muromachi.








That looks very similair to the one I have except that mine is a bit more tired. On mine there is a spot through the hada where core stell is showing and I am not so sure about wheteher it has much of a boshi. However the nakago and the hamon seem to be the same. I think that mine has a slightly longer kissaki thought. At a guess I would say that your sword dates around Eisho (1504 - 21) as mine does.


At the moment I am in year two of trying to cheer the polish with the uchiko powder method that the late Jim Kurrasch discussed. Unfortunately not much has changed yet.


Thanks for sharing.

That looks very similair to the one I have except that mine is a bit more tired.


Probably came from the same bundle :lol:


I'll stick mine in for a polish in the next few months. No sign of forging flaws and it's got plenty of steel on it so maybe it will be ok.

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