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Hello guys i recently bought a katana blade but i cannot figure out who made it. So if there is anybody who knows please let me know. The only thing i know is that the sword is made around 1850 the seller told me. Thanks guys and i will look forward to it.









One Side : Chounsai Koretoshi

Ansei ni ? san gatsu kichi jitsu

Other side : ? Oite Kofu ?? ju  Tsunatoshi.

It seems to be a collaboration of these two.

Tsunatoshi was the father of Koretoshi who became later Tsunatoshi nidai.


Hope that  helps.



TSUNATOSHI (綱俊), 1st gen., Tenpō (天保, 1830-1844), Musashi – “Katō Hachirō Tsunatoshi kore o tsukuru” (加藤八郎綱俊造之), “Katō Tsunatoshi tsukuru” (加藤綱俊造), “Tōto ni oite Katō Hachirō Tsunatoshi kore o tsukuru” (於東都加藤八郎綱俊造之, “made by Katō Hachirō Tsunatoshi in the eastern capital [= Edo]”), “UshūYonezawa-jū Katō Chōunsai Tsunatoshi” (羽州米沢住加藤長運斎綱俊), “Chōunsai Tsunatoshi” (長運斎綱俊), “Chōunsai Tsunatoshi tsukuru” (長運斎綱俊造), “Efu ni oite Katō Chōunsai Tsunatoshi” (於江府 加藤長運斎綱俊, “made by Katō Chōunsai Tsunatoshi in Edo”), real name Katō Hachirō (加藤八郎), he came originally from Dewa´s Yonezawa (米沢) and was like his father Katō Kunihide (国秀) a student of Suishinshi Masahide (水心子正秀), he moved to Edo during the Bunsei era (文政, 1818-1830) where he worked in the residence of the Uesugi family (上杉), the daimyō of Yonezawa, around the first year of Ansei (安政, 1854) he left his gō Chōunsai to his son Koretoshi (是俊) and changed his pseudonym to Chōjusai (長寿斎), he died on the fifth day of the twelfth month Bunkyū three (文久, 1863) in the Uesugi Edo residence at the age of 66, like his brother Tsunahide (綱英) he too hardened a tōran-midare but his best works are in the Bizen tradition, the jigane is a dense ko-itame with ji-nie which tends to muji, the hamon is a ko-chōji-midare or ko-midare in nioi-deki with tight nioiguchi, the bōshi is a smaller midare-komi, the jihada can also be a dense mokume which tends to muji but which also show mixed-in ō-hada, blades are generally rather long, have a deep sori, and a thick kasane, jō-saku

TSUNATOSHI (綱俊), 2nd gen. → KORETOSHI (是俊)
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TSUNATOSHI (綱俊), Tenpō (天保, 1830-1844), Tosa – “Tsunatoshi” (綱俊), real name Shimomura Gentarō (下村源太郎)

TSUNATOSHI (綱俊), Ansei (安政, 1854-1860), Tosa – “Tsunatoshi” (綱俊), real name Shimomura Genjirō (下村源二郎), student of Chōunsai Tsunatoshi (綱俊), he died on the second day of the eleventh month Meiji 28 (明治, 1895)

TSUNATOSHI (綱俊), Ansei (安政, 1854-1860), Musashi – “Fujiwara Tsunatoshi” (藤原綱俊)



KORETOSHI (是俊), Ansei (安政, 1854-1860), Musashi – “Chōunsai Koretoshi” (長運斎是寿), “Chōunsai Koretoshi saku” (長運斎是俊作), “Efu ni oite Chōunsai Tsunatoshi Chōunsai Koretoshi” (於江府長運斎綱俊 長運斎是俊, “joint work of Chōunsai Tsunatoshi and Koretoshi in Edo”), second son of Katō Tsunatoshi (加藤綱俊), he took-over the gō Chōunsai from his father in the second year of Ansei (1855) and succeeded as 2nd gen. Chōunsai Tsunatoshi after the death of he latter, in early years he signed his name with the characters (是寿), he made many gassaku joint works with his father during the later years of Tsunatoshi, Koretoshi worked from Edo for Hyūga´s Itō family (伊東), he died on the second day of the eleventh month Meiji 28 (明治, 1895), dense ko-itame which tends to muji, chōji-midare or gunome-chōji in nioi-deki, he signed the character “sai” (斎) in “Chōunsai” in the uncommon variant (叄) – It is said that there was a 2nd gen. Koretoshi (是俊) who signed during the early Meiji period with Koretoshi too and who changed his name later to Tsunatoshi. chūjō-saku


Thank you Stephen. I was asking some of these info because i wanted to sell the blade. Because i cannot find a good koshirae for it.

I am looking for a nice koshirae for almost a year now but i will let the new owner search for it.

It is now in a custom made koshirae but that is not the place this blade needs i think.

But now i have read some info about the father and son signed mei it is a very interesting blade i think.

So if you are interested in please let me know Stephen.





it does not compare well with the many Tsunatoshi oshigata I have here. If I had to say it looks like the work of Kajihei. So maybe a good sword but I would approach the mei with great caution.



Thank you Tom,  i likewise found none to match, that only being from the internet search tho. 


msg-3280-0-23145700-1487121881_thumb.jpg Fred Lohman habaki. reported to have been polished of late but not being able to tracked by whom. 

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