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Hello and welcome. Please sign all posts with real name so we can politely address you.

If you remove the mekugi (bamboo pin) in the Tsuka(handle) members will have an easier time answering your question. Aclose up of the blade under the handle (nakago) and a pic of the whole blade bare would help.

Also wipe down the blade carefully with oil to help combat the rust on the blade. Also please do not touch the bare blade with fingers as this will cause more rust. You may know all this but better to be safe than sorry. All the best



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Looks like a well-beaten-up wakizashi, Michael. Probably Shinto period (1600-1764). If the length of the cutting-edge is 2 feet or more, then your blade is a katana; if 1-2 feet, then it's a wakizashi.





Greetings all;  first id like to thank those that responded in lightning fashion to my question thx !!  second could anyone tell me if thi is decoration or a name I

my first rodeo into samurai so any help is most appreciated im more of a german collection type but since I found this sword its like the things alive  sry i 

 a bit goofy


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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