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Dear members,



in the past Jean sometimes tried to improve our knowledge by posting some photos for kantei.


Now I have a photo of a blade for a kantei, too. Nagasa: 48,3 cm, motohaba: 3,0 cm,

sakihaba 1,9 cm.


This is a kantei for beginners. So only for member with 100 posts and less.

It´s easy and it makes fun. Don´t worry, when you are wrong. This is learning by doing.

Please post your answer. I will make an explanation in a few days.


Have fun!



Uwe G.



If you want to download the photo:  http://daten-transport.de/?id=AK8PCRnqWq5x



This is neither the question nor the answer, Grant. Anyway you are disqualified having more than 100 posts. Question will come after.


Your question does not alter the Kantei.


@ggil: Sorry, that happened after scaling, because ura was smaller than omote. My fault! :bang:

In reality it is the same. The final version will be perfect then.


Closing time is 02.02.2017.



Hey guys, 111 views and no answer?! This is an example right from the books.


Just a lttle story: at the last meeting we had a kantei and I gave an answer 800 miles from the right spot.

But at least I had the guts to give an anwser. Okay, I had to cut off my left little finger as a punishment.


Uwe G.


OK, since I have less than 100 posts I will stick out my neck and give it a try.


I did not take the time to hit my books, so going from my memory and judging by the picture and dimensions I would say:

1. Period: Muromachi

2. School: Oei-Bizen

3. Smith: Morimitsu

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Ok I will have to say something because if I keep looking at this picture my opinion will change over and over.





At first I though yes the Takada could be possible but the Nakago having more pronounced Kuri Jiri makes me say Sue Bizen.


The Hi being Maru Dome is found in both disciplines so next


from the mei being hidden on both sides again Sue Bizen more than Takada


Then the Itame and slight mokume - beautifully pronounced (thanks to great polish)


I'm going to give it a shot and say Sue Bizen Katsumitsu


On a side note for those interested in technology for taking such pictures of swords the best procedure is to actually scan the sword using an A1 scanning bed. I have attached a PDF for you.


Scanning sword techniques.pdf


Rayhan Perera - I have a headache now








Gentlemen, please come to an end.


3…….2……1. Time is up!


I really thought, that this was to easy.


Because  the answer is:     Bishu Osafune Morimitsu  and    Oei something


So congratulations to Wim and Chango. And to all, who tried to solve the puzzle.


But what are the points to come to this conclusion? Very well, it is the combination of a slim, elegant sugata, the mix of itame with mokume and the nioi-based hamon with notare, midare and choji with a tight nioiguchi. If you see something like that you almost know that this is Oei Bizen at it´s best.


At this time three smith (SanMitsu) worked in Bizen – Morimitsu, Moromitsu and Yasumitsu. So, if you have chosen one of them, then I would say that you hit the pot. And whoever has a -Mitsu in his solution.


Muromachi Sukesada is an elegant solution. But overall the Muromachi Sukesadas worked later and were inferior in quality. Sukesada is more robust.  The tapering is not so much.  Muromachi Takada is equally good. Next time, please take a closer look. The sugata for Takada is not so elegant and the hamon is not so wild but more uniform. The boshi is different, too.


Fun fact: the blade once belonged to John Yumoto, author of “The Samurai Sword – A Handbook”


I know, that you need to hold a sword in hand to make a proper kantei. So I have chosen a very easy example. The next kantei is open for everyone. And more puzzling.


And now for something completely different:  What did you win?

First of all: experience.  Kantei is something you have to make often. Read books and compare. Take some good swords in your hand. Learning by doing is the motto.

And the next is: Each one of you, who gave his opinion got a PM with a download link for the HiRes-Version of the photo (14 MB as JPEG). Because this is Kantei! And in Kantei you can only win.


I hope, you enjoyed it. I have a GlenAllachie from 1996 by now. :beer:


Uwe G.


  • Like 4

A few more explanation:




The giveaways are both the sugata as seen above in Markus'article and the hamon. This one is called koshi no hiraita, it has varied along the Muromachi period. Here is a very good aricle on the subject.




Here are some close-up pictures of my ubu Yasumitsu tachi:



  • Like 4

Thank you for letting us try and the good advice after! Can we try another one?

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