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I have whittled mine down over the years from a room with 275 Military swords and 300 bayonets to one cabinet with Nihonto and a couple others on

stands by themselves - turn on the lights and sit and look is what I do = after all cleaned and oiled of course ;)



  • Like 7

post-818-0-39604500-1486270212_thumb.jpgpost-818-0-39604500-1486270212_thumb.jpgLive in the country, and found this head. Treated and cured. Used a wood stand from Japan town shop.


The rest is a personal security issue. To show the world how you display or store expensive items sets you at risks. 


Not for what you have but for those who think they may an opportunity to take advantage of an open opportunity.


Not a good choice in life..

  • Like 3

To Ken Kata, your work looks amazing. I'm sure we would love to see more!


Gary, thanks for the sobering reality check. Hopefully everyone who posts nice things here has good security!

  • Like 1


         Mine are scattered around the house so this offered a good opportunity to do some dusting...! From the top :1 Gimei Tadayoshi with special order fittings and nice history..2.Namboku-cho , again, nice history,,,told the wife to bury me with this one ! 3 Emura..4 Shinbu-to Toyo Hamono knife co ltd., 5 Mantetsu . 6 23rd Generation Kanefusa in lightweight wooden saya ..7 Type 32...Thank you for a very interesting post..






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It has been two months since we moved into "retirement" and a new home so that this thread has been of great interest to me.So far I really have made NO progress on getting my Japanese swords out, but I am not sure how to present that stuff. As a collector (and an an archaeologist) I have always preferred "discovery". I also tend to prefer looking at Japanese stuff in hand. Very few "behind glass" presentations really work for me. Both blades and fittings require and deserve close inspection. And they tend not to do well in the open air.. Looking at the presentations here have given me some inspirations, but I'm still not at all sure that I want to "display" Japanese arms.

By way of contrast, please let me attach a snap shot of some of my "other stuff" Compared to Japanese arms, European arms are rather easily stored in a way that makes it easy to inspect, handle, and clean. For me, the key to collecting is comparison between types and categories. Putting them cleaning on a wall also seems like a reasonable way of managing them. I had kind of thought about shedding my European swords since I really don't view them as "my" collection, but getting them out and figuring out how to show them as been fun  - - and easy.

Now I have to deal with the Nippon-to!



  • Like 4

attachicon.gifSDC12253.JPGattachicon.gifSDC12253.JPGLive in the country, and found this head. Treated and cured. Used a wood stand from Japan town shop.


The rest is a personal security issue. To show the world how you display or store expensive items sets you at risks. 


Not for what you have but for those who think they may an opportunity to take advantage of an open opportunity.


Not a good choice in life..




It would be an insane amount of work for someone to hack your computer, figure out who you are and where you live, figure out your schedule, break into your secured places, and steal niche market valuables. I can't say I blame you and I'm certainly not mocking you, but I just think there's easier ways to do crime. Criminals don't tend to be criminals because they're willing to work hard.


I literally am only interested in "ooh"-ing and "aah"-ing over people's nice displays. :)


To Rob, you don't have to be a hacker just a armchair detective will do, I think. Best not to push our luck, or rely on the eneptitude of others over our own preparedness. Gary is only relaying his experiences, I think. He has seen it happen, I bet.


Hey do as you wish like I said I'm not judging or demeaning. I just don't think that showing your display case is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back lol.

ggil, on 04 Feb 2017 - 8:48 PM, said:ggil, on 04 Feb 2017 - 8:48 PM, said:ggil, on 04 Feb 2017 - 8:48 PM, said:

To Ken Kata, your work looks amazing. I'm sure we would love to see more!


Gary, thanks for the sobering reality check. Hopefully everyone who posts nice things here has good security!


Thank you for your compliments.


Here is a link to more of my Works. :)

The photo is a Bloodwood Tanto/Wakizashi Stand made for  Sensei Hayashi.

JSSH 2012 - 2013 Exhibition of Japanese Swords. 





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Hi Paul.  




told the wife to bury me with this one ! 

Funny, that's how my wife is going to tell if I'm gone or not, stick my favourite katana in the coffin and if I don't react she'll know I'm really gone.  :laughing:


Peter, that's a nice selection of rapiers!


Some really lovely displays here, nice to imagine a pleasant evening with each of you sharing your collections.


Great stuff!

  • Like 1

Outstanding displays one and all !! Gwyn, like you less is more look! very Japanese to my eye, now i dont mean less swords just the whole look very keen sir

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Left Alcove, Shinken, helmet and Tsuba.

Right Alcove, Various Nihonto

North Wall, Certs, Katana and Wakizashi



That is a fantastic kabuto. What's the jidai etc on it? I've always thought those studded ones looked great. Is it an antique or modern reproduction?


Hi, i am not too worried about security. Reasonably secure cabinet, locks on windows and doors, alarm and something big and ugly that bites, oh and the dog.



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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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