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Nakajima Muneyoshi

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Memories of days gone bye. When I joined the JSS/US in the late 1960s, Nakajima was actively working with the JSS/US as polisher/restorer. If I recall correctly, I was able to have two swords -- a tanto Mino Kanemasu and a wakizashi, a joint effort by Masanori and I believe Masakatsu. The tanto was eventually published in Benson's publications as "Tanto of the Month." The Masanori was found to be in  Fujishiro Shintohen, p. 309. Unfortunately, a hagiri was discovered on the blade during finishing steps which frustrated Nakajima. The polish was completed by my request and I believe still resides in a Texas collection, today. Wearing many hats for the JSS/US over the years, I believe the "books," the records of blades polished by Nakajima and costs, etc., is still around here somewhere. A katana polish costs around under $50 back in the 1960s! Amazing. I still get a kick out of listening to stories about Nakajima, told by the "youngsters" he welcomed into his workshop...Rick Mantegani, Steve Crotty and others who today, can't be called "youngsters" anymore. I wish I was living in San Francisco in those early days!


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