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Okay- I feel like wearing a dunce cap for asking this, but it has been a long time since I used eBay to list anything.


I listed this Umetada School Tsuba 'No Reserve Auction':



As it is labeled, it is #5 of 5 tsuba that I listed today after lunch.

However, when I click on "See Other Items" and expect to see Tsuba #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5  - I am only seeing Tsuba #1, Tsuba #2, and Tsuba #5.

When I search on them by name such as Hazama Tsuba or Higo Seibei Tani Tsuba- they don't appear.

Any way I try and find them other than inside 'My eBay', they don't appear.


Question:    Can anyone else see those tsuba?

I tried researching it via eBay, and also tried contacting them- but was dead ended by their flowchart to contact them.

Any ideas on why buyers cannot see my other listings through the "See Other Items" button? Or why Tsuba #3 and #4 don't pop up in search queries?


Any help appreciated. PM if you prefer.

I'm stumped so far.


#3 is up, might want to see if you hit a dif start time on #4, or id click on sell ,  if #4 hasn't started yet it will show on top right with complete high  lighted  under it, 


Thanks Stephen-


One down and one to go.

After trying to contact eBay, I waited several hours for it to fix itself. -- No luck --.

So I post here, go take a shower and #3 pops up.  Hopefully #4 will pop up in the next few hours.


I'd thought some word I had used in the listing might have put them in Limbo. Some of our European members have stressed that certain words keep antique weapon related listing from being visible in listing available to them.


Thanks gents- Stephen in particular.

Post grad school I've been off chasing other pursuits and obligations, including some exams I'm finding onerous.

Hopefully this will all be behind me by mid next year and I can be back with NMB more.


I started using eBay around 1998? It has certainly changed significantly from then.

Because of the flood of 'arbitragers' and copies, I haven't used it much for Nihonto in at least 2 years.

It seems to be even more overrun now. It is hard to find, "the needle (or two) in the haystack", and very easy to get lost in the crush.


We'll see how things go. At this point I am only about $1000-$1500 out from paying off my pre-Christmas Nihonto gift to self.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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