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Tachi Kake Wanted


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I have 2 of these YamatoBudogu Deluxe Tachikake in beech: http://www.yamatobudogu.com/Deluxe_Tachikake_p/010-ippontate-tachikake.htm


I bought mine several years ago and I'm remembering I got mine under 10 000 yen / kake. Or at least back then Euro - Yen rate was much better than it is at the moment so it's skewing my calculations. I think they are pretty good quality for the amount of money spent.


I have a really, really, really cheap one that I'll send you for the cost of shipping (I live on the US left coast).  The three pieces (I never put it together) have been kicking around separately in my garage for years, I could never quite give bear to give them a toss.  I'm amazed they've survived together to this point.  Per the sticker on the base, it's not cheap Chinese, it pre-dates that, it's cheap Taiwanese!  Let me know if you're interested and I'll find out the shipping cost.


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