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Our Swords Future


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I believe there is definitely more interest among younger generations for Nihonto, but Japanese military swords are certainly a niche. The interest is there but often the financial backing is not, so often people will look at Shin Gunto as a cheaper alternative. Slowly this will bring proper interest and preservation of the history as more and more information about this unique period and developments of the Japanese sword become available and goes beyond us few madmen. 



I tell my family and friends who show any interest enough history and information about my collection so they appreciate these items and my passion for them somewhat. If we can all do this I'm sure these pieces of history will be cared for and not used as impromptu garden tools by enthusiastic grandchildren! 

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John M, all good points. I understand an interest in NIHONTO, and to be honest I came to them via the (at the time) cheaper military sword route. I am trying the "education" route with kids/grand kids, but as you may have already experienced, their first impression is that they are weapons. Found some great YOUTUBE clips on forging/polishing/history of the NIHONTO as art, and their appreciation is developing. YOUTUBE is a great resource for education if you go looking for it. Too bad a grand son saw bamboo being sliced, so at the moment that's his take on them.


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Sadly you are about right there Neil. The first question I seem to get asked a lot is either "are you allowed those/do you need a license" or "can it kill someone or has it killed someone". I think that is a sad reflection on the way swords are portrayed in the media, movies and policies which tends to encourage that fairly immature response. I doubt sadly that too many people could tell a wartime polished gunto from a beautify polished masterpiece of nihonto history. to be fair though there are plenty of subjects I do not appreciate or understand, so I get why people without any education or interest make such shallow assessments.

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