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Pm Or Email For Ebay Books


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Hi All, 


In 1999 I could list a dozen books on eBay and be certain that I had the majority of auctions under "Japanese sword book"...How times have change.


I now see eBay solely as a means of advertising and at that it is quite expensive. If one of my auctions catches your eye please PM or email me for a direct sale and I will credit you the 10% otherwise charged by eBay. A few of the books are also listed at a lower price on our website. Through the end of this year I will also extend 10% for books on our website to the members of this board, lowest price prevails.

Enjoy your studies and,



Kind regards,








Hi Stephen,


That was a great opportunity for the buyer who found your auction amidst 1200+ other auctions. It will remain to be seen if the buyer takes the knowledge availed in the newsletters and introductory texts and continues their study. Will they be better informed and better appreciate what they study or will they be looking for the next bargain? Will the be ready for the next book in their study as a tool to advance their learning?

Many clients have told me that they will spend on books to save on costly mistakes when buying swords, tosogu, etc. Since 1999 I have sold a great many books to many advanced collectors. It was striking was to see how quickly they many advanced on the learning curve. It was not uncommon for someone to go from asking me what was the next book that they needed, to their asking me to obtain a book at their direction: collectors who would read through a bibliography to read source material and in some cases pay to have it translated. The other thing that impressed me over the years is the number of students who do not collect. As one person told me, they do not limit their taste to what they can afford and rather studied to appreciate the art.

To top it off, it kills me that eBay will also assess its fee against your shipping costs too. I hope the sale didn't need to go overseas.

Best regards,






Hi Michael, Stephens books postage to Australia was US $79.55 for USPS Priority Mail the extra fees on shipping costs must be making them a packet :(


Hi Jim and Stephen,

I received a call about a year ago from eBay and they were looking to discuss changes or new features. I took the opportunity to challenge their policy for billing fees on shipping. They had no interest in my kvetching. Apparently eBay is concerned that some may "abused" their service by listing a low sales price and then overstating the shipping. 

Kind regards,






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