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Dai Token Ichi Catalog 2016


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№ page Classification Mei /Inscription Hacho / Length Certification 㻿hop Cover Katana Made and engraved by Nagasone Kotetsu Nyudo Okisato 71.2cm Juyo 㼀oken IIDA KO㼁ENDO (Kinzogan/gold inlay) 㻿pecial name "Kon kaidan", meaning able to cut 2, 3 bodies. Yamano Kaemon no Jo Nagahisa (with Kao) 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a brown lacquer Ishimeji 㻿aya No.1 8 㼀achi Made by Yukihira from Bungo Province 73.2cm Juyo 㼀oken IIDA KO㼁ENDO No.2 9 㼀anto Nagamitsu 20.0cm Juyo 㼀oken IIDA KO㼁ENDO No.3 10 㼀anto 㻿a 22.1cm Juyo 㼀oken IIDA KO㼁ENDO From Chikushu Aikuchi 㼀anto style Koshirae with a 㼀akayasan-kizami 㻿aya ornamented with Mitsukashiwa family crest fittings No.4 11 Katana Mutsu no Kami 㼀adayoshi from Hizen Province 76.1cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken IIDA KO㼁ENDO No.5 12 Katana Mumei, most likely Nagamitsu 72.0cm Juyo Bijutsuhin GINZA 㻿EIKODO Origami written by Honami Kojo No.6 13 㼀achi 㼀suguyoshi from Bichu Province 75.5cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㻿EIKODO No.7 14 㼀suba 㻿ayu Namako-sukashi. Mumei, most likely Miyamoto Musashi 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu GINZA 㻿EIKODO No.8 14 Fuchi gashira 㻿umon, plain. Mumei, most likely Miyamoto Musashi 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu GINZA 㻿EIKODO No.9 15 㼀achi 㼁nsho 73.6cm Juyo Bijutsuhin GO㻿H㼁YA <㻾eferenced in the books of Kiya Oshigata, Nihonto 㼀aikan and 㼀oeitekiroku> No.10 16 Katana Made by 㼀adamitsu from Osafune, Bizen Province 62.4cm Juyo Bijutsuhin GO㻿H㼁YA On a day in Feb. 1491 㼁chigatana style Koshirae <㻾eferenced in the book of Nihonto 㼀aikan> No.11 17 Wakizashi Mumei, most likely 㻿adamune (㻾eferred to as: Zentokuin 㻿adamune) 33.9cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GO㻿H㼁YA <㻾eference in the book of 㼁metada Meikan> No.12 18 㼀anto 㻿a 25.2cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GO㻿H㼁YA From Chikushu Chisagatana style Koshirae with a golden detailed 㻿aya <㻾eference in the book of Nihonto 㼀aikan> Juyo 㼀oso No.13 19 㼀achi Kuniyasu of the Awataguchi tradition 71.4cm Juyo 㼀oken GO㻿H㼁YA Itomaki 㼀achi style Koshirae ornamented with Yotsubishi family crest theme No.14 20 Katana Musashi Daijo Fujiwara 㼀adahiro from Hizen Province 73.9cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN HA㼀AYA On an auspicious day in Aug. 1626 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer Ishimeji 㻿aya No.15 21 Katana Made by Fujiwara Kanewaka from Kanazawa, Gashu 68.2cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN HA㼀AYA 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a red lacquer Ishimeji 㻿aya No.16 22 㼀anto Fujiwara Naotane with an engraved Miya 12.4cm Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN HA㼀AYA In 1849, the year of the rooster Aikuchi style Koshirae with a black lacquered whale baleen 㻿aya No.17 23 Katana (Kinzogan/gold inlay) Masaie of the Komihara tradition 70.9cm Juyo 㼀oken KANAMA㻾㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN No.18 24 Katana Ichi Dewa no Kami Yukihiro made of Oranda-kitae (imported iron) 70.9cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken KANAMA㻾㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN No.19 25 Katana Made by 㻿akai Ikkansai 㻿higemasa, and engraved "should not be given to others" 72.7cm Hozon 㼀oken KANAMA㻾㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN 㻾esponded to the request of Hayama Kenji on an auspicious day in July 1941 㼀achi style Koshirae No.20 26 㼀achi Kunimune of the Bizen tradition 68.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿O㼁KENDO No.21 27 㼀achi 㻾ai Kunitoshi 69.4cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿O㼁KENDO No.22 28 Katana Mumei, but attributed to Niji Kunitoshi 69.4cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya and an indigo color leather used 㼀suka, Menuki of a pair of gold dragon No.23 28 㼀anto 㻿a 27.4cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA Aikuchi style Koshirae with a red lacquer 㻿aya and whale baleen used on 㼀suka 㻾ising sun and crane theme design fittings, made of 㻿hakudo with Nanakoji pattern Mei: Ichii, a disciple of Hogan Ichijo with Kao No.24 29 Katana Nagasone Okisato Nyudo Kotetsu 67.4cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA <㻾eference in the book of Kotetsu 㼀aikan> No.25 29 Wakizashi Nagasone Okisato Nyudo Kotetsu 47.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA No.26 30 㼀suba Design: 㻿aigyo and Eguchi. Made and engraved by 㼀airyusai 㼀suki Mitsuoki Juyo 㼀osogu GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA <㻾eference in the book of 㼀aganenohana> No.27 31 Mitokoromono Kozuka and Kogai Design: 㻿hishi/sacred lions. Mumei, but made by 㻿ojo, attributed to 㻿ojo by Mitsutaka with his Mei and Kao Juyo 㼀osogu GINZA CHO㻿H㼁YA Menuki Design: 㻿hishi/sacred lions. Mumei, but attributed to 㻿ojo Origami written by Mitsutaka "worthy of 200 Kan" in 1776 No.28 32 Katana Mumei, but most likely Yoshikage 70.6cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 IIZ㼁KA 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a red lacquer Makie 㻿aya decorated with golden dragons Kozuka Design: Phoenix. Mumei, but attributed to the Goto tradition in Momoyama era 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu No.29 33 Katana Mumei, but attributed to the Aoe tradition 75.1cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 IIZ㼁KA Itomaki 㼀achi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya ornamented with family crests Menuki Design: Mogai/shell and seaweed. Mumei, but attributed to the Kokinko tradition 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu Katana No.30 34 Katana Kikumon Echu no Kami Masatoshi (the 3rd generation Masatoshi) 70.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 IIZ㼁KA On an auspicious day in August 1667 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji Koshikizami 㻿aya decorated with dragon Makie 㼀suba Design: 㼀he moon and a rabbit. Mumei, but attribute to the 㻿honai tradition 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken No.31 35 Katana Mumei, but attributed to Zenjo Kaneyoshi 66.7cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 IIZ㼁KA Jindachi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya decorated with Makie of phoenixs and peonies 㼀suba Design: A phoenix and peonies. Mumei, but attributed to the Awa-Kenjo tradition 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken No.32 36 Katana Minamoto Yoshifusa from 㻿aga, Hizen Province 75.9cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 IIZ㼁KA Jindachi style Koshirae with a 㻾aden Makie 㻿aya decorated with dragons and family crests No.33 37 Katana Kurihara Chikuzen no Kami Nobuhide 69.4cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 NAKAGAWA On a day in February 1870 <㻾eference in the book of Kurihara Nobuhide no Kenkyu> 㼀oppei style Koshirae with a red lacquer 㻿aya No.34 38 Katana Hoki no Kami 㼀aira Ason Masayoshi 80.6cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A Made for 㻿akurai Yoshizo from 㼀anshu in August 1801, the year of the rooster <㻾eference in the books of 㻿atsuma no Katana to 㼀suba, 㻿humi no Nihonto and Nihonto Zenshu> No.35 39 Katana Mumei, but attributed to Nagashige 69.1cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A No.36 39 Izumi no Kami Kunisada (made around 㻿hohou era) 32.1cm Hozon 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A No.37 40 Katana Mumei, but attributed to the Aoe tradition 67.6cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A 㼁chigatana 㻿honai style Koshirae with a 㼀ogidashi-same/sharkskin 㻿aya with 㼀ateshino-kizami pattern No.38 41 Katana Made by Mitsutada from Osafune, Bizen Province 67.3cm Hozon 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A On a day in August 1492 No.39 41 Wakizashi Fujiwara Masafusa from 㻿asshu 54.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿AKA㼀A In August 1816, Hinoe-ne, the year of the mouse No.40 42 Fuchi gashira Design: A 㻿hamo/fighting cock and chrysanthemum. Made by 㻿hozui at the age of 63 Juyo 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.41 42 Fuchi gashira Design: 㻿u 㼀ungpo. Made by 㼀ennen 㻾ojin Haruaki (with Kao) 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA <㻾eference in the book of 㼀oso Kodogu Myoji 㼀aikei> No.42 42 Kozuka Design: Crab, Omodaka and threeleaf arrowhead/㻿agittaria trifolia. Mumei, but attributed to the Kokinko tradition Juyo 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.43 42 Kozuka Design: One sacred lion. Made by Mitsumori (with Kao), except for the Mon/figure which was made by 㻿ojo 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.44 43 㼀suba Design: 㼁shiwaka and Benkei at the Gojo bridge. Made by 㼀etsugendo 㻿horaku (with golden seal) 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.45 43 㼀suba Design: Farming. Made by Okitoshi (with Kao) 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.46 43 㼀suba Design: Itoguruma/spinning wheel. Mumei, but attributed to Fukanobu 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.47 43 㼀suba Design: 㻿ix peony crests. Mumei, but attributed to Kanshiro 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu YA㻿HIMA No.48 44 Katana Buzen no Kami Fujiwara Kiyondo from 㻿honai 70.6cm Juyo 㼀oken JO㼁NANDO KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN Made on an auspicious day in August 1867 at 㻾akuyo No.49 45 Katana Made by 㼁metada 㼀oshitsugu, responding to the request of Okubo Hyuga no Kami Fujiwara 㼀adayoshi, court rank of Jugoige 67.3cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken JO㼁NANDO KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN On an auspicious day in August 1803, Mizunoto-I, the year of the boar No.50 46 Wakizashi Nagasone Kotetsu Nyudo Okisato 50.8cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO On an auspicious day in June 1664 No.51 46 Katana Nagasone Kotetsu Nyudo Okisato 68.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO No.52 47 Katana Inoue 㻿hinkai 70.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO (Kikumon) On a day in February 1677 <㻾eference in the book of Kusanaginoya Oshigata> No.53 47 Katana Kanemoto 72.4cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO No.54 48 㼀achi Morimitsu 67.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO No.55 48 Wakizashi Akihiro from 㻿agami Province 34.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken EI㻾AK㼁DO On a day in January 1363 No.56 49 㼀achi 㻾ai Kunitoshi 68.2cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㼀AIB㼁NDO No.57 50 㼀achi 㻾ai Kunimitsu 75.2cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㼀AIB㼁NDO No.58 51 㼀achi 㻿uke (not clear) of the Yoshioka Ichimonji tradition 67.9cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㼀AIB㼁NDO No.59 52 Wakizashi Mumei, but attributed to the Houshou tradition 30.2cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㼀AIB㼁NDO No.60 53 Wakizashi Nagasone Okisato Nyudo Kotetsu 51.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken GINZA 㼀AIB㼁NDO (Kinzogan/gold inlay) On a day in June 1666 㻿etsudan cutting tested two bodies at the part of waist by Yamano Kauemon Nagahisa (with Kao) No.61 54 Katana Mumei, but most likely Kagemitsu 

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№ page Classification Mei /Inscription Hacho / Length Certification 㻿hop Origami written by Honami Kochu in 1710. With an old aditional 㻿aya No.62 55 㼀achi Nagamitsu from Osafune, Bizen Province 68.8cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㼀AKAYO㻿HI On a day in December 1304 No.63 56 Naginata naoshi katana (Kinpun Mei/gold-plated) Norishige 67.0cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㼀AKAYO㻿HI No.64 57 Katana Made by 㼀aikei Naotane (with Kao) 71.5cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㼀AKAYO㻿HI In mid spring 1835 No.65 58 㼀achi Masatsune 71.2cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿A㼀O (K㼁㻾A㻿HIKI Art 㻿word Museum) No.66 59 ? Chikakage from Osafune, Bishu 22.1cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿A㼀O (K㼁㻾A㻿HIKI Art 㻿word Museum) On a day in June 1330 Aikuchi style Koshirae with a Negoronuri 㻿aya No.67 60 㼀anto Mumei, but attributed to Yasuyoshi of the 㻿a tradition 28.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿A㼀O (K㼁㻾A㻿HIKI Art 㻿word Museum) 㼀anto style Koshirae ornamented with Ogasawara family crest No.68 61 Katana Made by Osafune Jurosaemon no Jo Harumitsu from Bizen Province 67.0cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN 㻿A㼀O (K㼁㻾A㻿HIKI Art 㻿word Museum) On an auspicious day in August 1547, Hinoto-hitsuji, the year of the sheep No.69 62 㼀achi Yasunori of the Ko-ichimonji tradition 74.5cm Juyo 㼀oken KYO㼀O M㼁㻾AKAMI <㻾eference in the book of Kanto Nichinichi-shou> No.70 63 Katana Made by 㼀sunaie (from 㻿oshu) 73.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken KYO㼀O M㼁㻾AKAMI 㼁chigatana style Koshirae No.71 64 㼀suba Design: Omote/old coin, 㼁ra/a monkey pulling a pack-horse. (Made by) 㼀ou Juyo 㼀osogu KYO㼀O M㼁㻾AKAMI No.72 64 Dai-sho 㼀suba (Dai) Design: A scene of a blossomed plum tree. Made by Iwamoto Konju 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu KYO㼀O M㼁㻾AKAMI (㻿ho) Design: A scene of a well. Made by Iwamoto (with seal) No.73 65 㼀suba Design: Family crests 㻿ukashi detailed in gold of vines. 㼀suneharu, imitated Matashichi work Hozon 㼀osogu 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A From Nobeoka, Nishu in October 1969, 㼀suchinoto-tori, the year of the rooster No.74 66 Katana Mumei, but attributed to 㼀ametsugu 70.0cm Juyo 㼀oken NIHON㼀OKEN 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya No.75 67 Katana Jiro 㼀aro Naokatsu 67.3cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken NIHON㼀OKEN In mid Autumn 1840 Itomaki 㼀achi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya decorated with chrysanthemum crests No.76 68 㼀achi Yamato 㻿hikkake (folded in) 㻿akon (not clear letters) Norinaga 69.7cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA No.77 69 Katana Nagasone Okisato Nyudo Kotetsu 68.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA No.78 70 Dai-sho Katana: Musashi Daijo Fujiwara 㼀adahiro from Hizen 70.0cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA (Katana & Wakisashi) On an auspicious day in February 1626 Wakizashi: Musashi Daijo Fujiwara 㼀adahiro 45.5cm Juyo 㼀oken On an auspicious day in February 1626 Daisho (two) Koshirae with black lacquer 㻿aya 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken No.79 71 Wakizashi Inoue 㻿hinkai 44.8cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA (Kikumon) On a day in August 1677 Wakizashi style Koshirae with a black lacquer Inro-kizami 㻿aya No.80 72 㼀achi Yoshimitsu form Osafune, Bishu 76.4cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA On a day in March 1364 No.81 72 Katana (Aoimon) Made by Yasutsugu with Namban iron at Edo, Bushu (the 4th generation Yasutsugu) 71.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀㻿㼁㻾㼁GINOYA No.82 73 Katana Mumei, most likely Kanenaga 71.5cm Juyo 㼀oken KEICHODO No.83 74 Dai-sho Katana: (Kinzogan/gold inlay) Nagamitsu 71.2cm Juyo 㼀oken F㼁NAYAMADO (Katana & Wakisashi) Wakizashi: (Kinzogan/gold inlay) Nagamitsu 43.0cm Juyo 㼀oken Daisho (two) Koshirae with black lacquer 㻿aya and original fittings made by Goto Minjo No.84 75 Katana Aoimon-kuzushi mark, Mumei, but attributed to 㻾ekko 71.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken F㼁NAYAMADO 㼁chigatana style Koshirae <㻾eference in the book of Kurogane no Ishou, subtitled masterpieces of blades and fittings related in Mito> No.85 76 Katana Kanemoto (Magoroku) 65.0cm Hozon 㼀oken KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya decorated with silver Makie No.86 77 Wakizashi Inoue 㻿hinkai 48.2cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO (Kikumon) On a day in February 1679 No.87 78 Koshirae Aikuchi 㼀anto style Koshirae with an 㼁ruminuri lacquer 㻿aya decorated with maple leaves Makie and original fittings made by Funada Ikkin 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO 㼀anto: Mumei, but attributed to 㼁da Kuniyoshi 22.1cm Hozon 㼀oken No.88 79 Menuki Design: Oxcart (a scene from 㼀he 㼀ale of Genji Yugao) 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO No.89 79 㼀suba Design: Ichiyo/one small round 㻿ukashi. Mumei, but attributed to the Ko-tosho tradition Hozon 㼀osogu KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO No.90 79 㼀suba Design: Wachigai/overlapping circles. Mumei, but attributed to the Kanayama tradition Hozon 㼀osogu KANDA 㼀O㼁KODO No.91 80 Katana Mumei, but attributed to Nagamitsu 71.1cm Juyo 㼀oken COLLEC㼀ION JOHO No.92 81 Katana Minamoto Masayuki 69.7cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken COLLEC㼀ION JOHO On a day in August 1845 No.93 82 Katana 㻿ouji Chikuzen Daijo 㼀aikei Fuji Naotane from Dewa Province (with Kao) 70.3cm Juyo 㼀oken COLLEC㼀ION JOHO In mid autumn 1829 No.94 83 㼀achi Yasumitsu from Osafune, Bishu 74.2cm Juyo 㼀oken CHIK㼁ZEN㼀OKENDO No.95 84 Katana Mumei, but most likely 㻿ukemitsu of the Yoshioka Ichimonji tradition 69.5cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿APPO㻾O YOKOYAMA BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer saya and original fittings made by Ishiguro Yoshikatsu No.96 85 㼀suba Design: A pair of cranes and a old pine tree. Made by 㻾yu 㻿eimin 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu 㻿APPO㻾O YOKOYAMA BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 No.97 85 㼀suba Design: A heron and reed. Made by Noda Masahide in winter at the age of 22 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu 㻿APPO㻾O YOKOYAMA BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 No.98 86 Katana Fujiwara Masakiyo from 㻿asshu 70.3cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken O㻿AKA 㼀O㼁KENKAI YO㻿HII Handachi style Koshirae with a red lacquer 㻿aya ornamented with iron parts No.99 87 Koshirae Hoso-tachi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya ornamented with crane family crests 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oso O㻿AKA 㼀O㼁KENKAI YO㻿HII Wakizashi: 㻿hige (not clear) from 㼀akada, Bushu 57.9cm Hozon 㼀oken On a day in February 1503 No.100 88 Wakizashi Hiromasa from 㻿oshu 44.8cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OK㼁GAWA A㻾㼀 On a day in December 1448 Wakizashi style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya and original seven fittings, the theme of Nami-usagi/wave and rabbit made by Abe Kazutaka. No.101 89 Katana Iesuke 69.1cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OK㼁GAWA A㻾㼀 㼀achi Koshirae with a 㻿aya decorated by Aoimon crests No.102 90 Wakizashi Made by Kiyondo 37.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OK㼁GAWA A㻾㼀 "Minare-㻿ao"- an adaptable long pole used to push and steer a boat against the bottom of the river Chisagatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer Koshikizami and 㻿amidare pattern 㻿aya No.103 91 Katana Mumei, but attributed to the Yoshioka Ichimonji tradition 70.3cm Juyo 㼀oken KIM㼁㻾A BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN No.104 91 Katana Made by Yosozaemon no Jo 㻿ukesada from Osafune, Bizen Province 69.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken KIM㼁㻾A BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN On an auspicious day in February 1581 No.105 91 㼀anto 㼀suguyoshi from Bichu Province 26.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken KIM㼁㻾A BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㼀OKEN㼀EN No.106 92 Katana Izumi no Kami Fujiwara Kunisada 76.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀OKEN MA㼀㻿㼁MO㼀O No.107 93 Katana Jiro 㼀aro Fuji Naokatsu .0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀O㼁KEN MA㼀㻿㼁MO㼀O (Hogyoku/gem) on a day in February 1836 Handachi style Koshirae No.108 94 Dai-sho koshirae Daisho (two) Koshirae with black lacquer 㻿aya decorated with Mushikuimon pattern Juyo 㼀osogu 㼀O㼁KEN MA㼀㻿㼁MO㼀O Katana: Mumei, but attributed to Kanenobu 73.2cm Hozon 㼀oken Naginata-naoshi style Wakizashi: Mumei, but attributed to 㻿anekage from Kashu 45.9cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken No.109 95 Katana Nagasone Okimasa 71.8cm Juyo 㼀oken HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN (Kinzogan/gold inlay) On 10th in December 1676 㻿etsudan cutting tested two bodies by Yamano Kanjuro Hisahide (with Kao) No.110 95 Wakizashi (㻿ignature folded in) Kanemoto (Magoroku) 54.8cm Hozon 㼀oken HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.111 96 㼀suba Design: 㻿aikanniga/Bamboo and Cherry blossoms. Made by Ebata 㼀oshinobu Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.112 96 㼀suba Design: Zhuge Liang. Mumei, but attributed to Yamazaki Ichiga Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.113 96 Fuchi gashira Design: Kachimushi/dragonfly. Mumei, but attributed to the Omori tradition Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.114 96 Fuchi gashira Design: 㼁jigawa 㻿enjin/Gempei battle. Mumei, but attributed to the Omori tradition Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.115 96 㼀suba Design: Butterfly and peony. Made by Hideoki in winter 1830, the year of the tiger Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.116 97 㼀uba-Fuchi gashira Design: Family crests. Mumei, but attributed to the 㻿ano tradition Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.117 97 Kozuka Design: Dragon. 㻿onobe Yoshitsugu (with Kao) 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.118 97 Kozuka Design: Panthers. 㻿asaki Konju (with Kao) Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.119 97 㼀suba Design: 㻿ea at 㻿hido. Hokugakushi Gazan Masahide (with Kao) Hozon 㼀osogu HA㼀㼀O㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁㼀EN No.120 98 Katana Hankei 69.4cm Juyo Bijutsuhin EIWADO <㻾eference in the books of 㻿hinto Kaji Kouryou, Nihonto 㼀aikan, Edo-shinto Meisakushu and 㼀ouei 㼀ekiroku> No.121 99 㼀anto Yoshisada of the 㻿a tradition 27.0cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken EIWADO Aikuchi style Koshirae with a brown lacquer 㻿aya decorated with Makie of Aoimon crests <㻾eference in the book of 㼀anto no Bi> No.122 100 Mitokoromono Design: Genpei battle. Made by Kobi (with Kao) except for Mon/figures made by Kojo 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu EIWADO Mumei, but attributed to Eijo No.123 101 Katana 㼀ango no Kami Kanemichi 70.9cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿HY㼁BIDO No.124 102 Katana Made by Kanesada (Earliest signature of Nosada) 66.4cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OY㼁KAI 㼁chigatana style Koshirae No.125 103 Katana Made by Omi no Kami 㻿ukenao from 㼀akagi 71.2cm Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OY㼁KAI No.126 103 Katana Bizen no 㻿uke Munetsugu 69.7cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OY㼁KAI On a day in February 1858

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№ page Classification Mei /Inscription Hacho / Length Certification 㻿hop No.127 104 Katana Echigo no Kami Fujiwara Kunitomo 72.4cm Juyo 㼀oken OMIYA 㻿HIMIZ㼁 㻿HOKAI <㻾eference in the book of Horikawa Kunihiro to sono Deshi> No.128 105 Katana Yoshikuni (Kozuke no Kami) 70.9cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN DAI㼀OBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 No.129 106 Katana Echigo no Kami Kanesada 70.3cm Juyo 㼀oken M㼁㻿A㻿HIYA 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya No.130 106 Wakizashi Made by Maizuru 㼀omohide 33.3cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken M㼁㻿A㻿HIYA On a day in August 1866 Koshirae No.131 107 Wakizashi Gassan 㼁nryushi Minamoto 㻿adakazu 34.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken M㼁㻿A㻿HIYA On a day in August 1864, Kinoene, the year of the mouse No.132 107 Wakizashi Made and engraved by Gassan 㻿adatoshi from Yamato (with Kao) 39.4cm M㼁㻿A㻿HIYA 㻾esponding to the request of Mr. Fukui 㼀adanori on an auspicious day, the 3rd of March 1990 No.133 108 㼀anto Muramasa 26.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㻿HOB㼁DO Aikuchi style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya decorated with Paulownia family crests Makie All fittings were made by Kizantei Masanaga (with Kao) No.134 109 Wakizashi Mumei, but attributed to Chikakage from Osafune 48.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㻿HOB㼁DO No.135 110 Katana (Kinzogan/gold inlay) Mihara Masahiro 75.5cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken JAPANE㻿E 㻿WO㻾D YAMA㻿HI㻾OYA No.136 111 Katana Nagasone Okimasa 71.1cm Hozon 㼀oken JAPANE㻿E 㻿WO㻾D YAMA㻿HI㻾OYA (Kinzogan/gold inlay) Cutting test Futatsudo/two bodies on 26th February 1685 <㻾eference in the book of Kotetsu 㼀aikan> Yamano Kichizaemon no Jo Hisatoyo (with Kao) No.137 112 Katana (Horimei/engraved Mei) 㻾ai Kunimitsu. 㻿uriage/shortened 66.4cm Juyo Bijutsuhin WAKEIDO㼁 No.138 113 Wakizashi Echizen Yasutsugu from Edo, Bushu 35.3cm Juyo 㼀oken WAKEIDO㼁 No.139 114 Daisho-koshirae Daisho(two) Koshirae with black lacquer Kizami-nuri 㻿aya ornamented with Aoimon crests fittings Juyo 㼀osogu WAKEIDO㼁 No.140 115 Matchlock 㼀anzutsu/short Matchlock 43.0cm ENA㻿H㼁㻿㼁IKAI No.141 115 Matchlock 㼀anzutsu/short Matchlock 22.6cm ENA㻿H㼁㻿㼁IKAI No.142 116 Katana (Kikumon) Izumi no Kami 㻾ai Kinmichi 43.0cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㻿EIGADO 㻿HIMIZ㼁 On a day in February 1690 Owned by Horibe Yasubei (inscribed Kinpun-mei/gold-plated) No.143 117 Katana Kurihara Nobuhide 68.2cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㻿EIGADO 㻿HIMIZ㼁 On a day in August 1870 No.144 118 㼀achi (㻿horten) From 㻿aia, Bichu in 1314 Kinoe-tora, the year of the tiger. Of the Aoe tradition 69.7cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken e-sword 㼀achi Koshirae No.145 119 Katana Made by Katsumura Norikatsu from 㻿uifu, responding to the request of 㼀akeda Kimiyoshi 76.1cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken e-sword On a day in April 1868 No.146 119 Katana Made by Gassan 㻿adakazu from Osaka at the age of 70 70.6cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken e-sword On October 1905 No.147 120 㼀achi 㻿akon 㻿hogen 㼀sunetsugu from Bizen 73.3cm Juyo 㼀oken KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㻿EIKEIDO No.148 121 㼀anto Made by Mutsu no Kami Daido 30.0cm Juyo 㼀oken KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㻿EIKEIDO Chisagatana sytle Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya <㻾eference in the book of Kanto Nichinichi-shou> No.149 122 Mitokoromono Design: 㻿hishi/sacred lions and panthers. Made by Mitsuyoshi (with Kao), except for Mon/figures made by Kojo Juyo 㼀osogu KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㻿EIKEIDO Mumei, but attributed to Kojo by Mitsuyoshi Origami written by Goto Mitsuyoshi No.150 123 㼀anto Hidemitsu from Osafune, Bishu 23.6cm Juyo 㼀oken NIPPO On a day in February 1376 No.151 124 Katana Made by Harumitsu from Osafune, Bishu-zen Province 73.5cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㻿EIY㼁DO On a day in August 1533 <㻾eference in the book of Nihon 㼀oukou Jiten> No.152 125 Katana 㻿himosaka 㻿adatsugu from Echizen 72.7cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA 㻿EIY㼁DO (㼀achiaoi-mon) Kasanedo 㼀abitabi ni Oyobu. Matsuse no Ken Korenari. / Cutting test was made offen and this sword is worth the title of Matsuse-no-ken (a legendary sword) <㻾eference in the book of Kanto Nichinichi-shou> No.153 126 㼀achi Koshirae Itomaki 㼀achi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya ornamented with Aoi-mon family crests Makie Juyo 㼀osogu GINZA 㻿EIY㼁DO No.154 127 㼀achi Koshirae Itomaki 㼀achi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya ornamented with Yotsume-mon family crests Makie 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu GINZA 㻿EIY㼁DO No.155 128 Wakizashi Kanewaka from Gashu (Kaga Province) 54.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken HEI㻿EI MEI㼀OKAI On a day in February 1658 No.156 128 Wakizashi Izumo Daijo Fujiwara Yoshitake 54.5cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken HEI㻿EI MEI㼀OKAI No.157 129 Katana Made by Miyairi Kei from 㻿hinano 70.9cm HEI㻿EI MEI㼀OKAI In April 1992 Jinshin, the year of the monkey No.158 130 㼀achi Kagemitsu from Osafune (not clear), Bishu 76.4cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GINZA MA㻾㼁HIDE (MA㻾㼁HIDE 㼀O㼁KEN) On a day in August 1327 (not clear) <㻾eference in the book of Nihon no Meitou> No.159 131 㼀achi Yoshihiro of the 㻿a tradition 73.6cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken GINZA MA㻾㼁HIDE (MA㻾㼁HIDE 㼀O㼁KEN) Origami written by Honami Kochu <㻾eference in books of 㼀okugawa Jitsuki, Kanto Nichinichi-shou and Koto 㼀aikan> No.160 132 Wakizashi 㼀suda Echizen no Kami 㻿ukehiro 50.0cm Juyo 㼀oken GINZA MA㻾㼁HIDE (MA㻾㼁HIDE 㼀O㼁KEN) On a day in February 1670 Wakizashi style Koshirae with a black lacquer 㻿aya Fuchi. Fujiki 㼀erumasa, disciple of Goto (with Kao) Kozuka and Kogai. Fujiki 㼀erumasa (with Kao) No.161 133 Wakizashi Masayuki 37.3cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken GINZA MA㻾㼁HIDE (MA㻾㼁HIDE 㼀O㼁KEN) On a day in February 1842 <㻾eference in the book of Kiyomaro no Mei> Higo Wakizashi style Koshirae with a 㼀ogidashi-same 㻿aya Hozon 㼀oso 㼀suba Design: Peony tree 㻿ukashi. Mumei, but attributed to the Nishigaki tradition No.162 134 Kachu Black lacquered iron, single hinge Nimaido-gusoku with Munakoshitori, Iyozane and purple colored ties KINOK㼁NIYA Black lacquered iron, 㼀o-kanmuri type Kabuto No.163 135 Kabuto 㻾usted iron, 62 row 㻿ujikabuto KINOK㼁NIYA Made by Myochin Ki no Muneyasu from 㻿hinobugaoka, Bushu. On an auspicious day in June 1837, Hinoto-tori, the year of the rooster No.164 135 Kabuto Black lacquered iron, 86 row 㻿uji-kabuto with a Wakidate/stand KINOK㼁NIYA No.165 136 Katana Made by Miyairi Akihira 74.8cm Hozon 㼀oken NIHON㼀O 㻿HIBA㼀A On a day in August 1969, 㼀suchinoto 㼀ori, the year of the rooster No.166 137 Kachu Black lacquered iron, 4 hinges Gomaido-gusoku KOBIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 K㼁㻿AWAKEDO 㻾suted iron, 62 row 㻿ujikabuto No.167 138 Kachu Gold lacquered kneading leather, single hinge Nimaido-gusoku with Honkozane and Mongara-odoshi ties F㼁K㼁㻾Y㼁 BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 KOGEI 㻾usted iron, 62 row Koboshi-kabuto. Mei: Nagamichi No.168 139 Katana 㼀adayoshi from Hizen Province 69.1cm Juyo 㼀oken Y㼁KODO On a day in August 1605 <㻾eference in the book of Nihon no Meito> No.169 140 㼀anto Kuniyoshi of the Awataguchi tradition 22.1cm 㼀okubetsu Juyo 㼀oken 㻿HINGENDO No.170 141 㼀achi Gyobu no Jo Yasuie (not clear) from 㻿enoo, Bichu Province 75.8cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿HINGENDO On the 10th of Decembe (not clear) 1316 Efudachi style Koshirae with a Kinnashiji 㻿aya ornamented with Kirimon family crests No.171 142 Katana 㼀suda Echizen no Kami 㻿ukehiro 69.7cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿HINGENDO On a day in August 1677 㼁chigatana style Koshirae with a black lacquer Ishimeji 㻿aya No.172 143 Mitokoromono Design: Dragon Kozuka Goto Ichijo (with Kao) Juyo 㼀osogu 㻿HINGENDO Kogai Goto Hokkyo Ichijo (with Kao) <㻾eference in the book of Kurogane no Hana> Menuki (Waritanzaku-mei) Goto ・ Ichijo (with Kao) No.173 144 㼀suba Design: Deer and autumn flowers Juyo 㼀osogu 㻿HINGENDO No.174 144 㼀suba Design: 㻾usumoyo/absent pattern of the Ebisu-ten (God of fishing and commerce). Jochiku (with Kao) Juyo 㼀osogu 㻿HINGENDO No.175 145 㼀achi Iezane (from Osafune, in Kagen era 1303-1305) 66.9cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿EI㻿HINDO A㻿HIZAWA No.176 146 㼀achi 㻿anemori of the Hatakeda tradition 77.0cm Juyo 㼀oken 㻿HOKADO <㻾eference in the book of Yumei Koto 㼀aikan> No.177 147 㻿oroi kanagu Design: Kurikara (sword and dragon) and waves Juyo 㼀osogu 㻿HOKADO Kozuka and Kogai Goto Mitsuyo Nyudo Hokkyo Ichijo (with Kao) Kogatana Ikkin (with Kao) Daisho Fuchi-kashira Goto Mitsuyo Nyudo Hokkyo Ichijo (with Kao) Daisho Menuki (Waritanzaku-mei) Goto ・ Ichijo (with Kao) No.178 147 Dai-sho tuba Design: Coiled dragon. Made by Gekkindo Wada Masatatsu Hozon 㼀osogu 㻿HOKADO No.179 148 Katana Musashi Daijo Fujiwara 㼀adahiro from Hizen Province 74.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A On an auspicious day in August 1625 <㻾eference in the book of Hizento 㼀aikan> No.180 149 㼀achi Kuninobu of the Enju tradition 71.5cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A No.181 149 Katana Made by Yosozaemon no Jo 㻿ukesada from Osafune, Bizen Province 69.4cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A On an auspicious day in February 1530 No.182 150 Katana Made by Choko(Nagayuki) from 㻿ettsu Province 66.4cm 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A No.183 151 Naginata Made by Hosoda Heijiro Fujiwara Naomitsu (aka Kajihei) 32.1cm Hozon 㼀oken 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A On a day in October 1851 No.184 152 㼀anto Made by Yoshimitsu, imitated 㻾ai Kunimitsu work 21.2cm 㼀OKEN 㻿HIBA㼀A On an auspicious day in January 2016 Aikuchi 㼀anto style Koshirae with a gold Makie 㻿aya design of cherry blossoms and water 㼀okubetsu Hozon 㼀osogu No.185 153 Wakizashi Kanekatsu 32.4cm Hozon 㼀oken 㻿HINBO㻾I BIJ㼁㼀㻿㼁 㼀OKEN Chisagatana style Koshirae with an iron fitting's 㻿aya decorated with dragon Makie. (Fuchi and 㼀suba) Made by Yasuyuki No.186 154 Wakizashi Ichi 㻿ukehide from Yoshioka, Bishu 34.2cm Juyo 㼀oken 㼀AMAYAMA MEI㻿HI㼀O㼁 On a day in July 1363 <㻾eference in the book of Nihon 㼀oko Jiten> No.187 155 㼀suba Design: Bashiko. Otsuryuken 㻿hozui 

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