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As I watch people talk and show what they have collected, I wonder at the fore site they have for their collection security.


I myself have the coverage for storage as well as transportation of the well established, Collectables Insurance, which has been highly recommended over the years.


However, monetary return of investment can never replace the unique item you sought so hard to find and collect.


So, as the second line of defense, I have the wireless Frontpoint Security, with a 3 to 4 prong approach, all linked to your phone.

1- entry point alarms.

2-glass breakage.

3-motion detectors

4-live video monitoring

5-know your local law enforcement by name and phone.


As I see many proudly show how their collection looks and is displayed, i fear they set themselves up to the dark side of those who would exploit their situiation.


Words of thought, advice, and welcomed response.


1) I don't have much

2) I am armed 24/7

3) 2nd degree black belt aikido 

4) I taught my wife to shoot

5) She is 1/2 Samoan, 1/2 Cherokee and used to beat up bullies in Waianae (Ken will know :o  )


That's it, working so far ...... :laughing:

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The theory that people trawl forums looking for people to rob is a myth. In fact, collectibles such as swords are among the least desirable stolen items. Unique one off pieces? May as well have a serial number on them.
No...I'm not buying that.
Chance are, if you lose a collection it will be because some thief grabs a few while randomly robbing you for other stuff. You can count the break in's specifically to target swords over the past 50 years on one hand.
Doesn't mean you should have security, but that should not have anything to do with people knowing you collect swords.
As for myself, I have taken out the Glock policy...whilst Nix went rather for the Ruger insurance policy. Pays out bigtime.
For when we are not at home, there is an alarm system.


there was me thinking I had done well fitting windows with locks!!

There must come a point where worries about protecting ones collection destory any pleasure and  you would have to question why bother doing it.

living in a granny state country where it is impossible for a normal law abiding citizen to own a hand gun it always amazes me the number of people elsewhere who are happy to be armed as a security solution.


I don't want this to veer off track, but for many of us outside the UK Paul, we are amazed at the number of people over there that are happy to live with 6 million surveillance cameras watching them daily. Half a million in London alone.
I prefer to look after myself ;-)
But yes...I don't live in fear for my collection. In fact, I'm fairly relaxed about it...having the means to take care of it myself also means I'm very chilled about it all. One should not collect if it causes stress.


Brian, and others;


Just a follow up since I have a moment. We insure our home, our car, our health, our life, etc. To ensure our swords is not a fear factor, just common sense.


My swords have written appraisals for the insurance company on file.


Firearm protection; we have loaded at all times; Berretta 92FS, Colt Trooper 357, Smith & Wesson M&P15T 5.56, and a 12 gauge shotgun in the house, rounds in chamber. Good if you are home, useless if not. Criminal laws may protect your use of deadly force, but civil laws are a can of worms. No good out come to be sure.

Yes, I have my firearms insured.


Security system: why not, since the wireless forms are easy to install your self, they monitor 24/7, can check when out of town, lower your homeowner insurance.


Do I worry, not at all. Full replacement insurance means I can take the money on a new hunt for treasurers.

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The theory that people trawl forums looking for people to rob is a myth.

Unfortunately not true, Brian, at least in Hawaii. There are three police officers in one of my dojos, & we've had many conversations about how local thieves check out everything from Craigslist to Facebook to just about anywhere they can find information on valuables. And four of my fellow sword club collectors have been ripped off because of ads they've posted, or articles about them. The Internet does have its limitations on privacy.


I depend on a very-heavy vault for my valuable blades, TRTL30, if there are any crooks who want to know (that means it will resist both torch & tools for at least 30 minutes), & if either of us is at home, you literally can't go 10 feet in our home without being able to put your hand on a weapon. The rest of the time, I depend on both a central-monitored alarm system, plus 1080p cameras that go to my phone.




Yup, you've got a tita, Steve! Me, too!




I have a door, window, motion sensor alarm system (not for my collection, but it was for my wife when I was working late). Also have a loaded .357 at the ready which I can shoot with either hand and the wife is also a good shot. Also most of my collection is in a good quality gun safe and is fully appraised and insured. I don't like surveillance cameras; just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.


Just to be a bit political about the US elections:  I want to vote for Willie Nelson! He'd win by a landslide. OK, US voters - how about a write in ballot for Willie?




Perhaps I am the only one here, but I do not keep any of my collection at home for exactly the reason of security and potential theft. I had my collection wiped out in a robbery (targeted theft) when I was a graduate student. It's devastating, and I now keep my swords at a bank where a thief would need to go through an armed security guard, CBC vault and steel safe. It's sometimes inconvenient having to visit my collection during 'normal business hours', but I feel that's the most secure solution. It was actually Jim Kurrasch who gave me the idea, and who I believe also kept his better pieces in a safe deposit box.


Best regards,




  On 10/30/2016 at 8:56 PM, Ken-Hawaii said:

Unfortunately not true, Brian, at least in Hawaii. There are three police officers in one of my dojos, & we've had many conversations about how local thieves check out everything from Craigslist to Facebook to just about anywhere they can find information on valuables. And four of my fellow sword club collectors have been ripped off because of ads they've posted, or articles about them. The Internet does have its limitations on privacy.


I think Finland is a very safe country so I don't really have to worry much especially as I don't own much. I have insured my whole sword collection to a small fixed amount (mostly fires & other disasters in mind). However in current state my Japanese sword book collection is worth much more than my 2 Japanese swords. :laughing: No thief is going to carry 100+ sword books down from 6th floor and manage to sell them in Finland... As I don't really own anything valuable aside from couple swords & books I'm not a profitable target. There are a lot better (and easier) targets here in the same city.


My home defense consists mostly of these... :glee:   Few thieves are desperate enough to try getting past two or three well-trained mastiffs... They are amazing, loyal, protective dogs.  They're also on patrol 24/7, hear and smell anything amiss, weigh some 70-80kg each, and will guard the home with their lives. 



Additional layers of protection......by terriers :clap: Oops, sorry for upside down, we are south of equator and I am on a stupid Mac (ok it is the operator)




Interesting responses !!!


From logical to ridicules. 


If you don't take a mature and concerned look at your future investments, then !!, you will sow what you reap.


Tried to set up a reality check for many, to look at what they are doing. I know I have talked to many at the shows, and the smart ones have answers that matter.


Evaluate what you have and is it insured. Homeowner insurance has a designated limit, and it's not swords. If you talk to you agent, you will find you are not covered.


Big safes are great, and off site safes/vaults have their merit.


Still waiting for the light bulb to turn on for many.


Good points Gary, but it sounds like you are trying to sell insurance. Everyone needs to evaluate their own situation....thanks for bringing up the issue. A little humor never hurts in this messed up world.

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Canada is a "little" different as handguns are not an option - my only hope would be to grab one of my blades before the intruder. Do have a general home security system with motion and break-in sensors.  Targeted break ins are not a concern although there are probably other things in the house easier to sell and carry out than the blades. 


I really don't ever think about it but in terms of insurance if you do not have evaluations, descriptions etc on record with any insurance carrier the chances of them paying on a theft are minimal. They either need a separate rider on the policy with all listed and some sort of credible value by a recognized expert that they will accept along with photos - same as jewellery and fine art.


Be sure to check this all out with your agent and that they are listed on your policy BEFORE you are trying to make a claim.



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