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What this color mean?

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I think the two different color tones occured on your screen when you used "nihonto" mode in the My Board Style selection (User Control Panel). Blackpearl which I applied didn't show such glitch on my screen. I think it's just nothing.

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No glitches in colours here :) Every colour is clearly defined and has a reason why it appears that way. To be honest, my colour blindness doesn't help, and I will need a day or 2 to see what colours and why they appear differently.

However the simplest and most likely explanation is that they are links, and the difference is between visited and unvisited links. So some of those you might not have been to before, while others are treated as previously visited links.

I'll investigate and give you a full reason soon.



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On what I believe is a related topic, I'm still not able to tell at a glance which of the forums in the main index have new material for me. The logos at the front are always all the same color and not moving. I suppose that could mean that all have new material or that none have new material. However, if I check into the forums I find that some have new and others don't.

Once in the forum it isn't much better. There are different colors and different logos, and if any of them mean new material I haven't been able to figure out which and why.

I would like to be able to easily tell what is new. Used to be the new stuff wiggled at me and that worked fine. Either the new rig is too complex for me or I'm too dense to catch on.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Grey

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in prosliver the new post show in red and say new, the problem im having other not hearing back from PM's is each time i get a question or PM from someone useing Nihonto black gets me bummped off and i have to log in then when i do it takes me back to prosliver :steamed: hope this all works out soon :doubt:

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I did change the icons for unread posts this weekend as promised, and I don't think there can be any confusion about the meaning :)

Your browser will have cached the old pics though, and you are probably seeing the old ones still as your browser is loading them from the cache.

You need to (shift/ctrl) click (refresh/reload) to reload the page properly, or otherwise right click a new icon, and view image or background, then reload it until you see the new icon.

Browsers cache images so they don't have to load them every time. The new ones will load soon enough, but you might want to reload yourself to speed it up.


The new icons (for prosilver) look like this: (BTW, the icon with the scrolling text on it just means it is a hot topic..which has more than 2 pages of replies.)




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I switched from prosilver because my user profile tabs were hidden. I'm now using nihonto. I tried to refresh/reload the icons as you suggested (at least I think I did what you suggested) and nothing changed.

Sorry to be a pest but this is frustrating. I'd like to continue with NMB but not if it's this confusing.


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Don't give up..we'll get you sorted.

In Nihonto style, you can't miss new posts. The icons are very obvious.

They are explained here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2555 in the pic.


Remember that like all forums (and the last one) they are new posts since your last visit. So if you load the forum and there are new posts, and you don't read them, then the next time you come back, they are not marked as new, as they are new posts since your last visit.

They aren't animated, but pretty obvious to see what is new.


In that pic, I have showed 2 screens. The top one is the main index showing categories with new posts, and the lower pic is in a category, to show actual posts that are new.


When you load the index page, check to see if there are new posts via the icons, go into that category and view the posts that are new. You are permanently logged in and don't have to log in every time you visit, right?




EDIT TO ADD: I just realised:- Go to the very bottom of the forum on any page you are in. there is a picture of every icon and an explanation at the bottom :D

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