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Inspired by a thread elsewhere regarding Naginata, here's two of my favourite depictions of women with Naginata:






They comes from the series Chiyoda no O-oku (popularly called the Ladies in Waiting of the Chiyoda Palace) by Chikanobu, they are quite late c.1896.


Here's the  real thing demonstrated at Nippon Budokan:



Pip Pip 



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Malcolm, Thank you for posting the video, it was an absolute treat. When you see what can be done with a relatively light weight wooden naginata, you appreciate what a devastating weapon it was. It must have been almost impossible for a sword to overcome the inertia of a heavy fighting nagainata travelling towards you. At best all you might achieve is to deflect  its trajectory and hope its destination wasn't on your person.



Ian Bottomley


Here's a few more woodblock illustrations of women weilding Naginata:


This one by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, depicts the pregnant wife of Kiheji defending herself from a hail of arrows, aided by the wolf Nokaze:




Here's another by Kuniyoshi, this time, the wife of Oboshi Yoshio (Kabuki play name for Oishi Kuranosuke leader of the 47 Ronin).




A more modern depiction stylistically by Suzuki Kinsen c.1910. Misleadingly titled "Lady with Long Sword"




Another more modern depiction "Fighting Lesson" by Hirezaki Eiho again c.1910.




Here's a clip showing the transition into the modern sport forms from the 1980's documentary "Budo No Chirashi" 





Pip Pip



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Malcolm thank you for sharing all this great stuff. I have more appreciation for Naginata and Brave Women that weilded them. The damage these things would be capable of in battle would be devastating.

If i get my Lady in a bad mood she is scary enough with a broom lol. All the best.



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