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Hello gentlemen,  I have this Tsuba that I am fond of that had little info in the sales description apart from the shape [Namako] and that it is brass. Would love to hear some opinions. Im guessing Edo period and looking at the rim it looks to me like in may be Sanmai?

 Any replies would be much appreciated. Thank you.



tsuba .pdf


Hi Greg, neat tsuba. I am just learning so I can't contribute much, but wouldn't the sanmai construction show most clearly on the walls of the nakago ana if it was there?


John Irwin


Hi thanks John. Yes I have another Tsuba that you can see its Sanmai from looking at the Nakago ana but im curious about what can be seen on the rim. Just had another look and I cant see much because of file marks but im now thinking probably not Sanmai. Its very nice in hand and it seems nothing fancy but the color, surface and shape appeal to me and the more I look at it I seem to like it more. Cheers.



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