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I - Katana

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Hi Peter, what a way to mix technology with tradition. Would be interesting to hear colectors opinions of these. Could be a good way to help promote Nihonto. Personaly I think I would prefer these blades in traditional mounts but theres no way I could ever afford them at that price anyway. Thanks for sharing.



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Not a fan of automating the process on any level. One of the things I cherish about Nihonto is the love of the craft that was required to create each and every piece. While these look cool, and I respect the thought and energies being put towards them, Pushing a button to carve the saya or using a 5 axis machine to make the fittings feels like cheating, and detracts from the piece. This is more the craftsman in me speaking. When I take on a commission for someone, dozens of hours of my life,  my sweat, and blood are literally in every piece ( I should buy stock in Bandaid brand). As a result, my customer gets a piece of my soul in the delivered piece. Here, that seem less the case and thus I have a hard time legitimizing a $294,000 price tag.


The lacquer work is well done though.

Cant really say anything about the blade as I couldn't really see it. 


That's my: 



Kurt k

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Interesting and incredible nice symbiosis between traditional craftsmanship, modern technology and design. I think the price reflects more the idea then the actual value.


PS: I've the feeling, that the tsuka of the katana seems a bit too short.....

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