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N B T H K - E B - Bonn 22-05-2016

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The meeting was well attended with over 25 members present. After the yearly statutory meeting part was over, newly elected President Prof. Kremers talked about Hirata Hikozo tsuba. Being the very beginning of the Higo tradition, it was very informative to see where they got their inspiration (Ko-Shoami but also Kagamishi for some parts of the design). As always, the combined membership was able to come up with some very nice examples. 




A rare first generation Soten was also on display, to educate people about (very) good Soten and the difference with run of the mill Soten you usually encounter.


After that, it was kantei-time. Difficult one this time, I have to say. There were 2 Kiyondo(one in masame, one in the more typical flamboyant style of his master, simply marvellous), a blade by Miyairi Yukihira,.... Noteworthy was also a nice Higo koshirae, fully en suite. 


Then after the kantei we got an extra treat. One of the members had brought along a Shizu Kaneuji (TJ) together with a very nice Rai Kuninaga. 


Let me conclude by saying that this is just a very limited representation of the meeting (if other members want to add things, please do so) In fact, the explanations are quite thorough and the Q&A usually has some very interesting questions and even more interesting answers! 

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