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Markus, only speaking for myself here, but I don't care how long it takes.  You have already given so much to our community, and I am very grateful for all the work you have done to this point.  All the best.

  • Like 2



Many thanks for the post. 


I'm sure we're all looking forward to the finished product, but first things first:  recover, get your health back.  This is the priority.  thumbs%20up.gif  I'm sure it feels good to have the surgery behind you; now it's the recovery process, one step at a time.  There's no rush, just get well soon.





  • 1 month later...



I am glad to announce that the project is in its final stages and that everything should be finished by the end of this month. Again, I apologize for the delay and the stupid deadline that I announced first, not bearing in mind that its no longer me of ten years ago.


I think I got all your emails and when the project is finished, I will make a short notice here and start to send out the PDF-based eBook to each paying participant. As I'm going to use wetransfer.com, you will get an email with a download link and at the same time, I will send you a private link to Lulu.com from where you can order the print copy if you want. As always, just drop me a mail if you have any questions.


In the meanwhile, I tried to get in touch with two parties who participated via Facebook, but no answer yet (maybe my mesage landed in the filtered folder). Apart from that, there are three participants from NMB who have not paid yet, Alan Sue, Justin Orr, and Ed Harbulak. There is still time left until everything is finished but may these gentlemen get in touch with me in the meanwhile. Thank you all!

  • Like 9
  • 2 weeks later...

It's done, the Nobuie project is finished! I am going to start upload the PDFs to wetransfer.com tonight, adding the email addresses I have from you guys. So you will get an email from them in which I will include a private link to Lulu where you can order the print copy. Hardcover print copy with 210 pages glossy paper and color print (I added some color pics as promised) is $55. As mentioned, this is just the printing costs. I'm not making any money when you order your print copy. You all (or almost all ;)) paid me with the $45.


What you will get is Ito san's explanation why Nobuie tsuba are so great (i.e. his artistic approach), a very detailed biography of Akiyama Kyusaku, a complete chronological overview of all Noubuie studies done from the Edo period until the 1980s (Ito includes all the pics and oshigata from these period publications), and Ito's own approach of classifying the Nobuie mei into two main categories with a few sub-categories each.


Just a little reminder (I have mentioned that earlier in this thread): Please do not share or resell the PDF you get from me! The same applies to the private link to Lulu. As soon as everyone got his copy I will take that down anyway. I have explained before why: It is not about money, it is about that when everyone thinks he can get a copy later down the road from buddy or dealer XY, no one will join such little projects and nothing will be realized. So it is in our all sense to keep the making available of Nihonto knowledge going. Thank you.


PS: If you don't get your wetransfer mail tonight, don't worry, it might take me another day to send it out to all ~60 participants.







  • Like 3

Fantastic!  Thanks, Markus.  Really looking forward to it.  I will definitely be getting a hard copy from Lulu, too...






P.S.  I hope you're recovering well from you back procedure... ;-)

  • Like 1

Just downloaded and had a quick look. Wow! That is a staggering amount of info to go through, and a huge number of images. Going to take a while to take in even 10% of the info in there.

Thanks Martkus for your efforts. An extremely worthwhile project.


Fantastic, Markus.  Thank you again for all of your hard work. 

The link to the hard copy did not work for me on my iOS, but did on my pc.

Copy ordered, and coupon worked too, ty Peter!!!!  $51.68 USD to my door!  :glee:


Yeah, I talked to another member earlier and it seems that, for whatever reason, the link doesn't work properly on Safari. Maybe it is just a temporary thing but Chrome and Edge work fine so far.


Hallo und Danke Dir Markus! :) 


die Studie habe ich allerbestens erhalten und möchte mich mit diesen Worten auch ganz herzlich für Deine doch sehr zeitaufwändige Arbeit und Dein persönliches Engagement bei diesem Projekt bedanken!

Sehr schön!

Ich bin begeistert!


Aufrichtige und liebe Grüße an Dich! :thumbsup: 



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