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I bought a kami this year and was wondering if the swords polish was finished. Now I am NOT well read on the names of the parts of the katana but on a fine polish of the sword, The tip seems to be the hole sprit of the blade, Now on my kami there is a lump where the grind of the blade meets on the tip. I have looked at other kami swords and they have the same blister like at the tip. Please jump in here and help me calm myself. I have other swords like the brush hog from Cold Steel O Katana. Also the paul chen practial Katana. The Kami is a fine folded sword for a starter,I just need to know if it is worth the extra money to get a extra polish..



Hello , i dont know your name,

Could you please post a picture of what you are refering to instead of a random drawing? heh Also could you reread your post before posting it, i am afraid that i cannot understand some sentence here and there... might be typos.


Off the top of my head, i wouldnt invest in professional polishing for a mass production blade.





Hi, Although there are many practitioners of Japanese battojutsu etc. that swear by the use of Paul Chen or cheness Japanese styled swords, they are not true Nihonto and when damaged are basically throw-aways. No sword of this type would deserve a traditional polish by a real togishi. These are just functional replicas. Nice dog sketch but something related to your question would have been more relevant. John




I know this forum is sometimes a little (too) informal and we tend to get a bit too familiar since we feel we know each other and forget that what is slightly tongue-in-cheek might not seem that way to outsiders.

I do not want to see posts that might be disrespectful or rude.

I would like everyone to remember that there are many who read this forum, and this is a serious hobby requiring tact when replying.

Not everyone is aware of what we deal with specifically, and we owe it to the public to portray a professional and understanding attitude.


Kee..the answer I would like to have seen you given is a polite request to please sign posts with a real name, however if your real name is Kee Curlee, then that would suffice, or otherwise just add a real name in your signature.

This forum is only really dedicated to the genuine article, as modern repros are out of our scope of interest, but we will always help where possible.

In this case, the Cold Steel/Chen blades and others are probably better addressed on a forum such as Bugei: http://www.swordforumbugei.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=2

They will be able to advise you better. A proper Japanese polish can cost about $100 per inch, so it is certainly not worth doing on a non-traditional blade, but modern sword practicioners will be able ot advise you where to go to have the blade touched up.

The drawing is very nice and I like it, and would make a great avatar for your profile, but is a bit out of place in the post :)





You might ask Bugei for their latest catalog. It contains a lot of info.

re. repro work. It also includes a page with their polisher and site you

might visit. with traditional work discussed.

There are a number of people that are doing polishing in the U.S.

For traditional work you can search the sites offered through this index

under links.

enjoy your hobby


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