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Hey everyone,


I just ordered a really stunning set of fittings from Aoi over the weekend. Well, at least i think i ordered them? I filled out their form and submitted it but have not gotten any reply or confirmation.  I'm sure there are many of you out there who have dealt with Tsuruta-san in the past.. Is this typical?




Hello Kurt,


I have bought from Aoi art many times, and I always call them or send a direct email when I'm interested in something.

I I just send an email I usually get a response within 24 hours.

Keep in mind that they are always closed on Mondays, so that might be the reason that you didn't hear from them.


Usually pretty fast, think they are shut Mondays. Is it still on the sales page?.


No guarantee until you hear from them, sometimes the odd item on the sales page is already sold, happened to me the other day with a tanto.


I usually ask them to put an item on hold whilst we discuss it.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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