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I was waiting until Tampa was over to post a message. But thanks Derek for the nudge.


The show is April 29 - May 1, 2016


If you are staying at the Hyatt here is a link for reservations 



Free parking at the hotel so it is easy for locals to attend


Tables were sold out but i had a person who can't come this year so if you need one let me know



There are a number of people with tables who have not set up in years so there should be a lot of fresh items to be found.


There will be a lot of people attending who are in the midwest and do not get to Tampa or SF.


If you have questions or there is anything i can do to make your visit easier let me know





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Hi Derek:

As usual I'll be there. Are you bringing a Muramasa?


Hi Barry,

Yes, I will have a Muramasa katana with me, fresh from Japan from a polish by Master Eto.  Maybe a Muramasa tanto.  I will also have two sets of very high end fittings with me.  See you there!


I'll be there.  The Tampa show was my first sword show and was a great experience.  I can't imagine anywhere else in the US to be able to see and handle the level of swords and fittings that are at these shows.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so one of these shows must be worth a million. 

  • Like 1

I told my wife only one sword show this year before I booked my table at Tampa... So yes, I will be there. Half of my stuff is sold or with Danny and Ed for consignment, so no table, but I'm really excited to see some good folks and swords - and that is in order of importance.

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I just reserved a room for the show.  $114 a night for a Hyatt in Chicago seemed very reasonable.  I used the link in Mark's site, and it worked perfectly.  Orbitz and travelocity are showing sold out.


Hi Barry,

Yes, I will have a Muramasa katana with me, fresh from Japan from a polish by Master Eto.  Maybe a Muramasa tanto.  I will also have two sets of very high end fittings with me.  See you there!


Hi Derek,


Will you be putting pictures of this blade on your website?


Kind regards,



Hi Derek,


Will you be putting pictures of this blade on your website?


Kind regards,



Hi John,

I want to keep this thread about the Chicago show, but I will have the sword there, so I beg Mark's forgiveness to give a short answer.  :)

My sword is on the site as Katana #2, but pictures are before polish.  I have been waiting to take photos since it returned from Japan, but I need to buy a macro lens first. 


I have been thinking of attending this year, no definite plans as of yet.


Either way, you guys need to take a NMB group photo.  

Maybe at a strip club or something, so everyone will look less "stoic", as Stephen called us in our Tampa photo  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The show plans are coming along well.  The hotel is just about full, i think i have 2 or 3 rooms still available, the cutoff for reservations was yesterday but i was able to get the hotel to extend it through 4/3. So if you are thinking of coming and want to stay at the Hyatt make a reservation right away  here is a link https://aws.passkey.com/event/13928013/owner/4631/home  Tables were sold out but I had a  cancellation, so if you want a table let me know. 


There are usually some great deals to be found. There are a lot of well known dealers with great items but  a large number of table-holders are local and only attend the Chicago show.  I usually hear of at least one or two great swords being found and a number of  swords that later passed Juyo have been bought off tables.


Educational opportunities abound. A few tables will have, or include, displays and the NBTHK-AB always provides a wonderful display/lecture or educational program. Grey will do lecture/demonstration of proper etiquette and handling of swords on Saturday morning, for the newly interested this is a great chance to pick up tips and you will be more confident at the show. There are plenty of people in attendance with decades or experience that are happy to take time to offer opinions and/or freely share their knowledge. You have the chance to see, and handle, more swords in a weekend than you are likely to see in a life time. 


Hopefully someone will organize a NMB get together for a picture.



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I will be there and will have a table with 10-15 swords for sale.  Looking forward to seeing fellow NMB members, so please stop by and say hi.  Cheers, Bob


I have only begun to think about what I'll be bringing to Chi-town, but I am looking forward to being there and filling up my table.

I've got a nice clean gendai-to and a couple of soft medal tsuba that I hope will attract some interest.

More to the point what are YOU going to be bringing? I'm in the market for Sendai shinto. Any, hey, don't forget your Ainu stuff!



If all NMB are at the show Saturday at closing time (9:00) we could go up to my room and enjoy a brew, glass of wine, or single malt and get a group picture in a more relaxed atmosphere.   If members will not be there at that time someone can arrange a get together for a picture, i am sure i will be around anytime.




I always take care of all the "refreshments", and am happy to do so. This year i am having an "Exhibitor Welcome reception" Friday after the show and so thought i could do a NMB reception Saturday. If you would like me to offer a special bottle from you i could do that. 

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Done. Guys, keep 9pm-10pm Saturday 4/30/16 open. Mark will confirm closer to the time. Would like to get as many NMB members and others as possible there.

At least one drink is on me :beer:

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All presentations are on Saturday. Grey will do a presentation on etiquette and handling at 10am, there is an aikido demonstration at about noon. Mike Y is organizing the NBTHK-AB presentation, he may add a comment but last i spoke with him there may be two presentations, if so one wlll be about 2pm and the other 4pm. A couple of exhibitors are planning on displaying some interesting items, one display will be some very nice old iron tsuba.


Hi guys,

As mentioned above, I can bring any book on my site to the show.  I also will be buying books at the show.  If you have any to sell send me an email (through my site) and I'll let you know if it's something I can use.

Cheers,  Grey

  • 3 weeks later...

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