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Is now tentatively live.
Please check out the prizes available, at http://www.militaria.co.za/Draw/Draw2015.html

I have yet to test both the Payfast Credit Card link, and the Paypal donate button, but hopefully they are configured correctly.

Questions and comments can be done in this thread.


Now for the technicalities: Firstly, we couldn't do any of this without the support of those generously sponsoring prizes. Thank you to those of you, and to the one or 2 that I didn't use for this draw. I had to cut back a little, but thank you all for your generosity. You have my sincere thanks.


You will see 2 ways to donate. One is via credit card directly using a service called Payfast.

You enter the amount you wish to pay (in South African rands) and it will take you through the process. About 150 SA Rands is approx equivalent to $10. So you can enter any amount at all, probably in multiples of 150. One entry per ZAR150. It is safe, and your CC details are not stored by anyone. They do not take debit card, and maybe some of the lesser used credit cards.


Then we have Paypal. You cannot use Paypal for a r@ffle. Luckily, we are not. I have a nice little sponsored article by Markus Sesko on sale. It is a relative listing of the value given to certain smiths by the Hon'ami at that time, and is great to compare smiths as a relative indication. Not available anywhere else.

Those purchasing the article for any donation amount will also be allocated prize draw entries as a thanks. One entry for every $10 contributed.


So 2 ways to enter, draw happens 1st March 2016.


Once you have paid, you should automatically be redirected to the article download. If not, please message me your email and I will send it.


Thank you all, and thanks for your support the past year. Hasn't been an easy one, but 8 years and counting...we are still here.


- Brian -

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Please let me know if I got any names wrong, or I should add a full name, or abbreviate a name rather...or any changes at all :)

Some nice prizes, and some interesting ones like eBooks, gift vouchers, and even a 20% discount off a professional polish. Those that have contributed donations to the NMB the past few months will of course also be allocated entries, as will those who sponsored prizes.


Note that once you complete a payment, don't just close the page. I think the "return to NMB" link will take you to the .pdf.

If it works. If not, a message to me will get it emailed.

I don't have the time to respond with thanks to every contribution, but please note that I do thank you..and that every contribution WILL be allocated entries.


- B -

  • Like 1

Any e-Book by Marcus from me was missed. John




Sorry John, in the rush and madness of trying to get the site running, I left that one off. But have edited the prize page to add it. Thanks, these eBook vouchers are wonderful prizes that everyone can use.

  • Like 1

Hey Folks it is not the prizes that are important, but the contribution to the upkeep of this messageboard that keep this place working  are important.The prizes are a bonus. Thank you to all the generous contributors of prizes. I'm sure that they will be appreciated. I'm sure that the good karma of donating will result in good karma for you in other things. 

A special wish of joy in this season of holidays to our Board Administrators. They are soooo patient. Jean you must have added 100 names to the messages of new members. John you are always willing to contribute to threads and keep us on track. Brian you are judicious in your moderating decisions. Yes we have lost a few people but the Board as a whole is better for it. 

Another special wish of good health and happiness to friends on the Board who continue to move us along with positive comments and new threads. May all of you have a great New Year and success in the hunt for that latest treasure.

  • Like 2

Hmm. Tried today with both firefox and chrome. When I hit the donate button things seem to want to happen (page refreshes) but nothing happens. Same page, no paypal button. Will check back later.


Edit: the pull down worked. 2 PP credits sent.





Think laterally John :glee:

Yes, reinforcement units received, and were able to stop the inflation onslaught temporarily. :thumbsup:

Dollars are good too. :laughing:

  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this for a bit more exposure. I know funds are tight after Xmas, but for a minimum of $10, you can barely get a burger and coke :)
C'mon folks...excellent chance of winning something, especially with multiple entries. :thumbsup:

  • Like 3
  • 3 weeks later...

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