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Christian -- I do agree with you totally.  I was chatting on line with Curran earlier today and he made a similar comment upon which I went back to the sales picture and realized I totally missed the fukurin!  Now then, this is a lesson.  Never get so caught up in anything that you fail to be diligent such as I did.  Mae culpa. 


(It would also help if I would go back to wearing my glasses when looking at the screen)!  LOL


I am not sure why that fukurin is there.  It might just be an addition to match a koshirae but it does detract, IMHO.  This is why I love this field.  There is A-L-W-A-Y-S something to learn.  Always.




Damn, that first one has me drooling on the key board.


Pete is spot on regarding the comparison.  The Owari tsuba Stephen linked to (no offense), doesn't even belong on the same thread as the Kaneyama.  


Yesterday I watched "Everly" – a pretty weird movie, although Salma Hayek is still damn sexy for her age. Anyhow, the scene in which one Japanese character said "I’m the sadist, and he’s the masochist" immediately reminded me of this thread!



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