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I just came across mention of a publication, "Nokamura Kakudayu's Oshigata Collection of Nobuie Tsuba." This was in reference to shinshinto tsuba-ko Naoaki. Apparently he patterned a lot of his works on these oshigata. Does anyone know if this publication is available anywhere. I suspect it is one of those "rare" items to find, but thought I'd ask. Ron STL


Thanks Grey, Steve, Surprised this is available. Must think on it for right now, but may pop for it. Lord only knows I could use more books! :( Ron STL


Interesting article about the author here:




I understand that it was Akiyama's rubbings that made Nobiyue popular amongst regular samurai. Prior to this real Nobuyie works were only really held in the collections of noble families. The rubbings and subsequent books no doubt led to the proliferation of Nobuiye copies and revival pieces that we see today.

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