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Pics Of Norisuke Fakes Anybody?


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does anybody has good pictures of Norisuke utsushi/fakes of Yamakichibei or Nobuie tsuba? I have some in the Owari to Mikawa no Tanko, but would llove to see better ones. Attached is a Nobuie utsushi, just for the fun of it ;)



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Mine friend Mariusz,



you meanwhile certainly did get some insights in past years? (relating Tsuba)


so least, i do allow me some hopefully fruitful insight comments...(if? according???...either way-i do not much care about, as you know...)


starting first question-as i really do feel somehow puzzeled relating your´s question....


1.- Question: Did you mean "utsushi/fakes" in consense of UTSUSHI?- or in a rather consens of "Fakes"?( Fakes in per se)....?

(A Utsushi is 180 degrees controverse to what todays is meant by a "Fake")(or not?)

Utsushi is an "esteem copy to"...(most times done in an relevant custom interest-not?)


so,-(?)...how shall i (me personally here) understand your´s "idea" behind this question you did post?





LOL! :)

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Thank you. Naokatsu was of the Naotane lineage. They have indeed made Nobuie utsushi, although the one you have posted strikes me as... quite bland. Interesting - signature on omote and ura differ in style. 

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