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It depends too on the school it may have come from. The quality of workmanship, artfulness, composition. Unsigned does not mean it can't be superlative and worth thousands. John


It truly amazes me to see such low prices asked for relatively decent quality kogai, today. Twenty-odd years ago I started to buy kogai of what I call "average-good quality" kogai. It seemed then that kogai didn't come up for sale very often at U.S. shows and if they did, if of any quality, they were priced between $800-$1,200. Of course high quality, papered kogai still demand a price, but back then -- sorry, I'm showing my age -- one was hard pressed to find $300 kogai. Last San Francisco show one of the seasoned collectors/dealers was offering to pay $400 for some kogai I set out on my table which I thought was wishful thinking on his part. Now I see that this is what it is in 2015. So maybe collectors should enjoy these lower prices and buy right, and enjoy some "average-good" kogai at reasonable prices. Kogai are quite interesting to study and quality work is a pleasure to enjoy.  Ron STL


Sweet 2.8 million yen kogai!


But I agree, you've just asked a similar question to "how much does a house cost?" or "how much does a watch cost?" or "how much does a car cost?" Assume average condition and no damage.


It's a really broad question still even with the qualifier.


Ko-Mino kogai. Awesome. Thanks for the link Pete.


Currency issue too. We are basing in US$ here, and have seen a 50% pop in that.

The $600 kogai of 1 to 2 years ago is currently $400. Last time the yen was this cheap was 2002?

That has a phenomenal impact.

     I was tempted selling off 6 to 8 pieces and taking a shot at a Juyo Hirata tsuba for my next birthday. That is only $40k, but much cheaper than the $60k of 2 years ago.

Still, more than the price of a car or 1 year of some higher level educations [feel for Guido here, congratulations on his daughter's graduation. May he buy himself a Toku Juyo as reward next year].


Topic should be "Average Price of a Generic Late Edo kogai" ?

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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