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Oh, c'mon, really?  Two kilobucks for this?  I mean, nice sword for what it is, needs re-finishing polish, but two grand???




Maybe I should throw my two Pacific War leather covered saya gunto with kanteisho shinto blades into the pot.  Then again, they probably wouldn't clear a couple of hundred skins.  Just can't figure it out.  Oh, well.



It is a traditionally made blade by a good smith. When showa-to are going for $1600+, this to me is more than reasonable.


Why, I wonder, do most of the swords this seller lists have the same "look" to the polish???? :o


Well, I've not seriously sought to either buy or sell swords for a few years now, seems the market has moved forward in my absence, interesting since neither the US or the Japanese economy is all that stellar.  Maybe time to rent a table at the SF Show? 


Often looked at his sales but nearly got ripped by him some time ago . :steamed:


Chris  , often notice the same quality of polish as well on a lot of his sales items and wonder if it might be Roush's handy work.

just a quess but you never know.




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