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Hi all, I'm a newbie to Nihonto;  I took the ebay gamble and bought one that appears to be in pretty rough shape and was relatively cheap (lower risk hopefully ;-)) but somehow struck me as a potential "diamond in the rough".  It was advertised as having a "1600s blade". 




Can, can someone help me translate the signature?






Anyway, I hope to restore the fittings/saya and stabilize the blade, then display it.


Sesshu Ju Fujiwara Tadayuki 摂州住藤原忠行 perhaps....


So, made in Sesshu (Modern Osaka?) by Tadayuki?  According to my newby research, that would date it around the first 1/2 of the 1600s, provided it wasn't a fake.


Thanks again!


I'm having a lot of fun looking into this, found several Sesshu Ju Fujiwara Tadayuki blades online with matching signatures, some with NBTHK certification.


I'm gathering it's Tadatsuna school, late 1600s, also thinking it has historic value and is not the "junk sword" I thought I was getting into so I'd best not treat it as a "project sword" and start filing away on it after all! :thumbsup:


What is going on in this area?



 I still don't have the sword in hand but it looks like rust damage to the blade under the habaki... it looks to me like moisture got under the tsuka and did it's thing as the tsuba is fairly rusty too...




Hi Jason.


Looking forward to seeing some pictures when you have the sword in hand.  If you are anywhere near one of the sword organisations that meet it would be worth taking it along for some advice,  It looks as though some very careful restoration could improve this one a lot.  Strongly advise you not to attempt anything until you have had some advice, ask around here for suggestions about who to use and what to do when you have had a chance to look at your purchase.


Welcome to this fascinating world.


All the best.

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