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Looking at purchasing a Kanesada sword off a friend that has this tsuba by Tsu Jimpo. Wanted to get some opinions on the tsuba. It appears to match some of the other tsubas I've seen. TIA.







I know nothing of this artist or his work; however, of Jinpo (H 02047.0) Haynes states ..On his own work his nanako was done by Sano Heinai H 00974, and there is a certain uneveness about it. His work is not common.. so take from this what you will, but unlikely it would be gimei, although you never know.. I had a look in the Kinko Meikan (1993 edition) pp162 and in Makus Sesko's Signatures of Japanese Sword Fitting Artists pp96 and although there are some minor inconsistencies, I am not brave enough to call it either way here. The tsuba looks OK to me - from the photos you have provided - although the nanako doesn't look that good, so maybe the Tsuba is what it claims to be, if Haynes is correct.. All Tsuba look better in the hand. Is your purchase dependent on this Tsuba?


Barrie B.


Tsu Jinpo is not in either meikan but here are the two examples from the Machibori book by Fukushi sensei:


Edit: I made an error on this as he is listed in the Shinsen Kinko Meikan on page 162.





His signed work is rare and there are some differences between the tsuba mei and the examples posted but if in doubt shinsa is an option.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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