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Filling rust pitting in a blade- what is an acceptable way?


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My sword will go in for a polish but this deep pitting may not polish out. What are acceptable methods to fill the pitting? I heard red lacquer maybe. Forgive the ignorance but what about soft filler metal like lead before the polish?


If left alone will it still paper?



this is on the kissaki


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Will it polish out? What can be done if it does not polish out? These are question best left to a professionally trained polisher. Have you made an assessment to see if the blade is worth the expenses of restoration and possibly papering?




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I have. I've spoken to the polishers we all know here in the US and other than the pitting it is in good shape. The sword cost me nothing but the price of a polish for an early Shinto or late koto blade. One polisher said "That looks like a nice older blade in reasonably good condition. It should be completely restorable. That might even be a koto (old sword) period blade. Should be interesting."


It has plenty of steel left for a polish, a beautiful hamon and no openings at all.

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Leave it in their capable hands - don't worry about "filling pitting".

The pits will not be there when you get it back, there are not many ways to fill deeper defects but it can be done- that said its just as well that you don't have to.

Guarantee you will not recognize it when you get it back and I for one would appreciate seeing pictures when you do.

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