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I don't know if you ever buyed from tis seller 11z1942, I've won this auction http://www.ebay.com/itm/171444646290?ss ... 1497.l2649, and after i payed this seller tell me that he

haven't the sword. And told me it was a mistake beacuse this aucton it was scheduled and he have repaired and sell the sword.

But this sword was just on ebay with some problem (kojiri missing) instead in this auction the kojiri is present and the auction is new.

I think he don't wan't to sell beacose the auction haven't reached the price he want.

This is the old auction http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Japanese-SAMURAI ... 1068073451




Stefano P.


Report him to Ebay.


If you won the auction, and paid, he is legally obligated to deliver the sword.


Isn't this the same seller who was listing a Mantetsu tachi for $20K?


You have to love Ebay- even when you win, you can lose...


didn't we have a thread about the Mantetsu?


check seller history think hes been talked about before.


eBay Member User ID History




The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.




User ID Effective Date End Date


11z1942 Feb-27-10 Present



1942zip Feb-14-09 Feb-27-10



olboi66 Dec-15-08 Feb-14-09



olboy65 Jan-26-08 Dec-15-08



64olboy Sep-06-07 Jan-26-08


Thanks, but the problem is i won the auction and i want the sword, instead the seller he don't want sell the sword at the price of the auction.

Fortunatly he have refound me but is not what i want.


Stefano P.



Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do after he refunded you. eBay and Paypal will consider the matter closed.

All you can do is leave feedback, and this post as a warning to others thinking of dealing with him.






To be honest - if you want a good sword, and a hassle free transaction, avoid eBay (exceptions apply) and talk to one of the good and honest dealers. People on this Board know many excellent dealers and you may want to take advantage of that...


With a good dealer, you get a right of return with an inspection period...




If he already refunded you in full, and you have reported him to ebay, then there is nothing else you can do. Don't bid on his auction next time, but that's about all you can do.





EDIT: To echo what Marius said, if I were looking for a sword, I would be saving up money right now. There usually are ridiculously, unbelievably, good deals come Christmas/year-end time here on NMB.





You are really lucky that you actually didn't get the blade and can now use the same amount of money and get a REALLY nice less costly nihonto from a dealer.


I'm a big fan of ebay if used properly. One has to be very careful about the record of the seller. I read all the feedback, exchange emails or talk to the seller on the phone, and make sure the terms are all set and agreed upon. I have bought and sold at least 50 swords on ebay, and have been only rarely disappointed. It's like a motorcycle - dangerous if you don't know how to drive it, much less so if you take the time to learn and are careful. May be a bad analogy, but I hope you get what I mean. I have bought some fantastic swords on ebay for much less than they are worth, and certainly for less than one can get them from either dealers or collectors.

  • 2 weeks later...

was told I was discussed on this forum and I will respond to those comments. My name is Tom Winter, 72yrs old and live in Illinois. Spent 5 yrs in Japan during the 1960's serving in the USAF at which time I studied a little Japanese. That little bit of knowledge has helped tremendously in buying/collecting Samurai swords since my first purchase of 2 at a public auction in 1973. Have been attending the Chicago TokenKai since 1975 and "was" a long time member of the JSSUS and NBTHK - also the Southern Calif club and met ol Willis Hawley in 1974 -sat right in his house looking at swords that I knew very little about but did go away with his 2volume set of swordsmiths and Sword & Same books. I just spent 3 wonderful weeks in Japan traveling extensively and attended the DaiTokenIchi show in Shinbashi. Returning home Nov 5th to 300 emails and seeing the sold & payment for the bird head tachi, I immediately returned the payment to Stefano and apologized as I had sold the sword and forgotten to unschedule it - MY MISTAKE. Stefano was rightfully upset and threatened neg feedback and to inform this forum - which he did. I am sure Stefano is a perfect human being and has never made a mistake unfortunately I have made many in my life time and probably will make a few more b4 I pass. If this is the worst that happens to Stefano , he can consider himself extremely lucky. As for the fellow w/all my ID's - you can add this to the list "62702" 2467 pos feedbacks and between these ID's the only neg I have ever rec'd is this from Stefano. Ironically the first time I was stiffed was by a Italian buyer who wanted his Japanese helmet sent cheapest way - 1st class - said he never rec'd it and even though I had all the receipts, customs forms ebay ruled in his favor as I had NO DELIVERY CONFIRMATION. I cursed a lot but learned a lesson as from that pt on any item going foreign would be Express or Registered Mail. Then there is the South Manchurian RR tachi - Well, I have never seen another except the one pictured in Jim Dawson's book and so obviously a lot of folks are very opinionated as to the value. Show me some sold prices the way this was discussed there must be truck loads out there selling. We are not talking Juyo or Art swords but a super rare Military /Civilian WW2 era collectible. How many were made ? 25-50-100 - and for whom? high ranking Japanese Military/Civilians - Chinese collaborators -military or civilian ?? I have NO idea and no reference book that I know of has any answers. When copper handled NCO swords sell for upwards of 4-5G's I don't think it outrageous to ask x's for a extremely rare S M RR tachi in near mint condition. I have had a 5 digit offer just not the right 5 digits for me at this time but if the guy comes thru it will be going to China(the new rich). I sold my Manchurian Senior Officer's Dirk (super rare also) for 5 digits and I and a European collector are both very satisfied w/the transaction and just sold a pr of Nazi paratrooper boots for $5300+ w/NO JUYO or even HOZEN papers !! It's a real big world out there and lots of $$ floating around and lots of collecters willing to pay for extremely rare military & other type collectibles. If I were younger I would not be selling but no one in my family has any interest/knowledge of my collection so I need to be passing these on to the next caretaker. As for my Nihonto collection Christie's London had sent 2 fine gentlemen to my home back in 2012 for partial appraisal (75 of 250 swords) and all I have to do is give the word and the collection will be sold in London. I always told myself that at 70 I'd sell but here I am at 72 and it's more difficult then I thought to part w/these beautiful Juyo, Tokubetsu hozon one-of-a-kind works of art (kinda like one's children after all these years) ! Well, I do not normally partake in forum's of this type but just wanted to give my side of the eBay transaction - and one nice thing about eBay - if you dislike me and/or my listings ALL YA HAVE TO DO IS CHANGE THE CHANNEL !!! PS; I don't care all that much for eBay either and if more sellers were in my position eBay would be shut down yesterday until they started treating sellers & buyers equally but I realize there are good & bad on both sides.


Good post Tom, always good to see the other side of the fence.


Bet we have talked at CTK a time or two, sorry for the ebay seller ID list just trying to help.


One thing more Paragraphs please, me eyes at 69 don't follow well.



Very glad to see you posting and giving your explanation.

To be fair, the cancellation and refund was a lousy thing to do, especially to someone who would have thought fairly that he had scored a great deal.

I can understand him being upset...I would have been too. And it goes against everything that is supposed to happen on eBay.

But you acknowleged the mistake and admitted fault, so the matter can be put to rest. I'm sure you can see it from the buyers point of view if it had happened to you.

But fair enough, what's done is done. Sounds like you have some great swords and experiences. Feel free to share them anytime. Agree 100% on eBay. I have minimised my selling nowdays due to their lack of ethics, and outrageous selling fees with their cohorts Paypal. But they will still make billions anyways, so our views don't matter at all.

Thanks for the explanation.




Tom - great explanation and considering your past history I am sure there are plenty of items in your collection that would be appreciated and maybe even purchased by the thousands of people that not only belong to this forum but drop in to visit. You are in the same boat a lot of us get to eventually and to be sure there is a lot of money around but there is something to be said for passing your blades to someone who really appreciates them.


Round about way of perhaps getting you to list the odd item on this forum - no fees - appreciable audience for the most part and always collectors looking to increase their collection.


Take care



... if the guy comes thru it will be going to China(the new rich).


Their wealth may be new but their postal system isn't.

You cannot ship a sword into China as it is a restricted weapon to them. Hong Kong is the only part of China that you can legally ship to.

Ship a sword to mainland China and you'll lose it.

Then there is the South Manchurian RR tachi - Well, I have never seen another except the one pictured in Jim Dawson's book and so obviously a lot of folks are very opinionated as to the value. Show me some sold prices the way this was discussed there must be truck loads out there selling. We are not talking Juyo or Art swords but a super rare Military /Civilian WW2 era collectible. How many were made ? 25-50-100 - and for whom? high ranking Japanese Military/Civilians - Chinese collaborators -military or civilian ?? I have NO idea and no reference book that I know of has any answers. When copper handled NCO swords sell for upwards of 4-5G's I don't think it outrageous to ask x's for a extremely rare S M RR tachi in near mint condition. I have had a 5 digit offer just not the right 5 digits for me at this time but if the guy comes thru it will be going to China(the new rich).




These might be a bit rare, but this is the third example to have arisen on this message board since October. By joining this board you now have two further examples to add to your piece and the original you have seen in the Dawson book. Further, you also have a price reference to compare it to since the 3rd example is for sale now on the board. (I do recommend taking a close look at that one for sale now on this board...)


1st: http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=20337&p=183603&hilit=manchurian+tachi#p183603

2nd: your example

3rd: http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=20744


Incidentally, the fact that we have seen three in such a short time period further illustrates what an excellent message board this can be. It is certainly nice to be able to bring together this kind of knowledge on a seemingly rare piece.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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