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I've recently purchased a tsuba, it came with a hakogaki. I think I have most of it figured out, but some things still elude me. Any help would be great!




A: 鐡地 - tetsuji (iron based tsuba)

B: 無銘 – mumei (unsigned)

C: 丸形 – maru gata (round shape)

D: 丸耳 – maru mimi (round edge)

E: 輪違 小透 – wachi-gai ko-sukashi (double interlocked rings small openwork)

F: 径貮寸六分五厘 – kei 2 sun 6 bu 5 rin (diameter 7,95 cm)

G: 右刀匠鉄xxx – migi tosho tetsu x x x (authenticated as Tosho steel x x x)

H: 昭和四十五年六月吉日 – Showa yon-ju go nen roku gatsu kichijitsu (a lucky day in June of Showa 45th year (1970))

I: 在耶 - Saro + kao (pre-Edo “2nd class” Kao)


F: 径貮寸六分五厘 – kei 2 sun 6 bu 5 rin (diameter 7,95 cm)

---> 竪貳寸六分有之 - tate 2 sun 6 bu kore ari (height 7.88 cm)


G: 右刀匠鉄xxx – migi tosho tetsu x x x (authenticated as Tosho steel x x x)

---> 右刀匠鐔古作ト鑑 - migi tosho tsuba kosaku to miru (the previously mentioned item is appraised to be an old tosho tsuba.)


Chris and Moriyama-san,


Thanks for your help! I could puzzle most of it together, but I like my documentation to be correct.

It's a pre-Edo Tosho tsuba. Not Edo Tosho, not Ko-Tosho either, but somewhere in between I think.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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