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As some may already know Taro Asano, a swordsmith from Gifu, is presently working and demonstrating his craft at The Citadel of Besançon in Franche-Comté, France.

Taro has a rare talent for making the inner workings of the steel accessible to non specialists so if you've never really seen what a Japanese swordsmith does with hot metal this may be a rare treat.




Here's a link to the sites website.


Next weekend I'll be joining Taro for 6 days to demonstrate my own craft as well as giving a short talk about the work. Bob Morrison will also be joining us and bringing along a significant number of fine tsuba which will be on display. Some of my own works will be on view too.


So, if you're in the area or can make it there we'd be pleased to meet you.


Foresee in your luggage, umbrellas, raincoats, boots, one of the worst weather forecast since....yesterday. Rotten summer in France, unseen for decades. :cry: taking into account all the rain fallen, you could as well forget the plane and come directly in hovercraft to Besançon.

....I could have gotten the wife on board and plan a short trip to the south of France!



then you would have missed the event. It is in eastern France. I know because I am already in Besançon and look forward to seeing some NMB members.


Tomorrow we will probably have nice weather, but this remains an exception.




while Tuesday was really nice and sunny in Besançon, allowing some small work in the forge (the main work on Japanese blades is finished except one quenching of a HIRA-ZUKURI KO-WAKIZASHI), this Wednesday was a desaster as announced by Jean. Everything was blown away after having been well drenched with water. By 4.00 p.m. ASANO-SAN had to stop working for the day.


Probably Friday will not be better except for less wind.


real pity I can`t make, spending my day off in hospital in stead (nothing overly serious) - would be very thankfull if some of the French membership can post some pictures maybe? ;)


Back from Besançon, cloudy and windy weather but not so bad. Very pleasant day, Serge (Kitsune) was there with two students and demonstrates Iaido, ken jutsu and Batto do, very fine and very impressive. Serge is a lovely guy, very friendly who does not hesitate to share his knowledge and furthermore very knowledgeable Nihonto wise. He made a kantei of sue Bizen Koto tanto in 10 seconds. A blade with two different side hamon. BTW, he has written three volumes on Nihonto in French, Koto, Shinto, Shinshinto. Brian has them, they are excellent.


Ford of course was fantastic, he made a splendid demonstration of his art and answered with a lot of humor to thousand of questions. Splendid and friendly guy.


I was there with Thierry Bernard, Jean C. (Rokujuro) - We spent together a very good day.


Even my wife, who is not a fan of Nihonto, enjoyed the day.


Unfortunately, It was not Taro san's day at the forge. (The week is split between a French and a Japanese smith at the forge)


I'll try to post some pictures later on as I have a week of ironing waiting for me :(

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