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Inventory is low before the Dai Token Ichi. I have a few high level pieces in the wings needing papers before I sell them, but had only 3 tsuba left.

I posted them to eBay late Sunday night and had 2 sell within 24 hours.

That only leaves this one in inventory: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-Japanes ... 20ea1c7793

Anyone seriously interested should approach me through NMB, as it cuts down on transaction costs.



I guess technically I am a dealer now, but intend the website more to be an exchange for higher level items in the USA. Sometimes the best way to study things is to have them come to me for consignment. I get to study them. If I make $1 for the time, mostly I am happy.


It took me too long, but I finally got up the 8 Estate tsuba that I promised to help with. I got to chose the ones I thought were the best 8. Prices are currency adjusted, so there is some flexibility as the USD-Euro Currency rate shifts.


Please give a look: http://www.juyo-bi.com/sales.html


They all all extremely fine with many of them published. Most are NBTHK papered and have custom boxes. The huge ko-Akasaka and the Shodai Kanshiro are most to my own personal tastes. The Kanshiro is significantly underpriced compared to what they cost out of Japan, but might be too austere for many.


I guess technically I am a dealer now, but intend the website more to be an exchange for higher level items in the USA.


Hi Curran,


To use a AD&D analogy. It Looks like that lawful good Paladin just changed his align to evil and lost all of his class specific bonuses. :lol:


P.S. Yes I speak fluent nerd.


Though of the Gary Gygax clan, I perfectly understood.

Former DM, by the way. Still have all the dice and many of the books, though the modules are all gone.

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