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No, it sold. He didn't end the auction early.

No..I don't know who bought it, but it was probably a BIN. Good deal for someone.




I see many issues ..a tired blade with kissaki issues... Guess $200 is a good deal if ya want to flip it for $600 or so... but if collecting to keep In my opinion if collecting the $200 could have been put towards something much better with not so many issues... sorry that tip/ kissaki looks broke,over polished and deformed to me, hope no offence taken here and is just my opinion,for what ever thats worth :lol:


I am honored to say that I ended up with the responsibility to restore and care for the Shinkai and Yukihiro from the Hartley collection.

They will both go for restoration and papers. After, they will rejoin a beautiful Kanesada from the Hartley collection. I am unsure as to the rest of the original collection as He had many wonderful pieces.

I'm happy to soon have 3 pieces to honer a wonderful memory, a true lover of history.

T hanks to everyone who has helped me along the way in finding true diamonds in the ruff.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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