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Hi Dow,


From what I can make out the mei is painted on? Does it look like gold lacquer to you with the sword in hand? I think it suggest that the sword is by Soshu Hiromasa, look him/them up. Detailed measurements and photos of the whole blade will help people form an opinion but the whole package is nice, thanks for sharing.


The first picture looks like it has hitatsura. But the nakago doesn't strike me as particularly Soshu, and the painted kanji don't look like a reputable Honami attribution. I would say it bears investigating, but don't get your hopes up it is a big name.

Still, it has reasonable fittings and a nice wrap, so looks to be a decent package overall.



This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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