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歴史のなかの鉄炮伝来 : 種子島から戊辰戦争まで /

Rekishi no naka no teppō denrai : Tanegashima kara boshin sensō made.

by Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan.


日本銃砲の歴史と技術 /

Nihon jūhō no rekishi to gijutsu

by Takehisa Udagawa;


歴史の中の火縄銃 : 特別展記念図錄 /

Rekishi no naka no hinawajū : tokubetsuten kinen zuroku

by Chiba Shiritsu Kyōdo Hakubutsukan.;


鉄砲と日本人 : 「鉄砲神話」が隠してきたこと /

Teppō to Nihonjin : "teppō shinwa" ga kakushite kita koto

by 鈴木眞哉, 1936- Masaya Suzuki


鉄炮伝来 : 兵器が語る近世の誕生 /

Teppō denrai : heiki ga kataru kinsei no tanjō

by 宇田川武久, 1943- author. Takehisa Udagawa


鉄砲 : 伝来とその影響 /


by Tomio Hora;


火縄銃の伝来と技術 /

Hinawajū no denrai to gijutsu

by Minoru Sasaki;


武器・十字架と戦国日本 : イエズス会宣教師と「対日武力征服計画」の真相 /

Buki, Jūjika to sengoku Nihon : Iezusukai senkyōshi to "tainichi buryoku seifuku keikaku" no shinsō

by 高橋裕史, 1960- author. Hirofumi Takahashi


鉄砲を手放さなかった百姓たち : 刀狩りから幕末まで /

Teppō o tebanasanakatta hyakushōtachi : katanagari kara bakumatsu made

by 武井弘一. Kōichi Takei


日欧交涉の起源 : 鉄砲伝来とザビエルの日本開教 /

Nichi-Ō kōshō no kigen : teppō denrai to Zabieru no Nihon kaikyō

by 清水紘一, 1942- Hirokazu Shimizu


国友源右衛門家文書 /

Kunitomo gen'emon ke monjo.

by Nagahamashi Kyōiku Iinkai.;


鉄砲伝来の日本史 : 火縄銃からライフル銃まで : 歴博フォーラム /

Teppō denrai no nihonshi : Hinawajū kara raifurujū made : Rekihaku fōramu

by Takehisa Udagawa;


幕末もう一つの鉄砲伝来 /

Bakumatsu mo hitotsu no teppo denrai.

by Takehisa Udagawa;


阿波の鉄砲 : 鉄砲からみた阿波史冬の企画展 /

Awa no teppō : teppō kara mita awashi fuyu no kikakuten.

by Hisao Nezu;


幕末軍事技術の軌跡 : 佐賀藩史料0︠C松乃落葉0︠D /

Bakumatsu gunji gijutsu no kiseki

by Isao Sugimoto;


真說 鉄砲伝来 /

Shinsetsu teppō denrai

by 宇田川武久, 1943- Takehisa Udagawa


火器の誕生とヨーロッパの戦争 /

Kaki no tanjō to yōroppa no sensō

by Bert S Hall; Yasuo Ichiba;


桜町鉄炮 /


by Taira Sawada;


東アジアの兵器革命 : 十六世紀中国に渡った日本の鉄砲 /

Higashi Ajia no heiki kakumei : jūrokuseiki Chūgoku ni watatta Nihon no teppō

by 久芳崇, 1970- Takashi Kuba


佐賀藩銃砲沿革史 /

Saga-han jūhō enkakushi

by 秀島成忠. Naritada Hideshima


佐賀藩銃砲沿革概要 /

Sagahan jūhō enkaku gaiyō.

by Nabeshimake Hensanjo.;


火砲の發達 /

Kahō no hattatsu

by 荘司武夫. Takeo Shōji


所荘吉コレクションと西洋兵学 : 特別展 /

Tokoro sōkichi korekushon to seiyō heigaku : Tokubetsuten.

by Tōkyōto Itabashi Kuritsu Kyōdo Shiryōkan.;


図解古銃事典 /

Zukai kojū jiten

by 所荘吉, 1929- Sōkichi Tokoro;


種子島銃 : 伝来とその影響 /

Tanegashima jū : denrai to sono eikyō

by 洞富雄, 1906- Tomio Hora


日本火術考 /

Nihon kajutsu kō

by 西沢勇志智, b. 1882. Yūshichi Nishizawa


大砲入門: 陸軍兵器徹底研究。.

Taihō nyūmon : rikugun heiki tettei kenkyū.

by 佐山二郎 Jirō Sayama


金属が語る日本史 : 銭貨・日本刀・鉄炮 /

Kinzoku ga kataru Nihon shi : senka, nihontō, teppō

by 齋藤努. Tsutomu Saitō


鉄砲伝来の日本史 : 火縄銃からライフル銃まで : 歴博フォーラム /

Teppō denrai no Nihon shi : hinawajū kara raifurujū made : Rekihaku Fōramu

by Takehisa Udagawa; Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan.


品川台場史考 : 幕末から現代まで /

Shinagawa daiba shikō : bakumatsu kara gendai made

by 佐藤正夫, 1933- Masao Satō


鐵砲傳來記 /

Teppō denraiki

by 洞富雄, 1906- Tomio Hora


アメリカよ、銃を捨てられるか : 自由と正義の国の悲劇と狂気 /

Amerika yo jū o sute rareru ka : jiyū to seigi no kuni no higeki to kyōki.

by Takeshi Yabe;


国友鉄砲の歴史 /

Kunitomo teppō no rekishi

by Gyōkō Yusuki;


日本の歴史. 中世から近世へ 2, 鉄砲伝来, : 日本技術のポテンシャル

Nihon no rekishi. chiyūse(kinsei)(2), Teppō denrai, : nihon gijutsu no potensharu.


歴史に見る火器開発裏面史 /

Rekishi ni miru kaki kaihatsu rimenshi

by Mitsuo Tsunose;


鉄砲の歴史と讃岐の古式銃砲 /

Teppō no rekishi to sanuki no koshiki jūhō

by Tadao Iwabu;


幕末熊本の軍制と銃砲 /

Bakumatsu kumamoto no gunsei to juho.

by Minoru Hirata;


堺鉄砲 : その源流と背景をさぐる開館一〇周年記念春季特別展 /

Sakai teppō : sono genryū to haikei o saguru kaikan jisshūnen kinen shunki tokubetsuten.

by Sakaishi Hakubutsukan.;


国友鉄砲鍛冶 : その世界特別展 /

Kunitomo teppō kaji.

by Nagahamajō Rekishi Hakubutsukan(nagahama Shiritsu);


銃と戦闘の歴史図鑑 : 1914〓現在 /

Jū to sentō no rekishi zukan : senkyūhyakujūyon genzai


讃岐の古式銃砲. 2 /

Sanuki no koshiki jūhō. 2

by Tadao Iwabu;


鉄砲伝来と紀州 : ヨーロッパとの出会い /

Teppō denrai to kishū.

by Wakayama Shiritsu Hakubutsukan.;


全国鉄砲鍛冶銘地域別分類 /

Zenkoku teppō kajimei chiikibetsu bunrui

by Nobuo Ogasawara; Osamu Yasuda


世界銃砲史 /

Sekai jūhōshi

by Kenjin Iwadō;


反射炉 : 大砲をめぐる社会史. 1 /

Hansharo : taihō o meguru shakaishi. 001.

by Isao Kaneko;


反射炉 : 大砲をめぐる社会史. 2 /

Hansharo : taihō o meguru shakaishi. 002.

by Isao Kaneko;


全国鉄砲鍛冶銘鑑 /

Zenkoku teppō kaji meikan

by Nobuo Ogasawara; Osamu Yasuda;


日本の鉄砲鍛冶 : 主として鍛冶銘 /

Nihon no teppō kaji : Shutoshite kajimei

by Hideaki Urabe;


図說幕末・維新の銃砲大全 : 戊辰・西南戦争の兵器と軍装を徹底解明!.

Zusetsu bakumatsu ishin no jūhō taizen : boshin seinan sensō no heiki to gunsō o tettei kaimei.


江戶時代の科学技術: 大艦・巨砲ヲ造ル開館1周年記念平成17年度佐賀城本丸歴史館企画展。

Edo jidai no kagaku gijutsu : taikan kyohō o tsukuru Kaikan isshūnen kinen heisei jūnananendo sagajō honmaru rekishikan kikakuten.


有坂銃 : 日露戦争の本当の勝因 /

Arisakajū : Nichiro sensō no hontō no shōin

by Nisohachi Hyōdō;


讃岐高松と鉄砲 /

Sanuki takamatsu to teppō

by Hideaki Urabe;


鉄砲五百年展 /

Teppō gohyakunenten.

by Shin'ichi Yoshioka;


図解古銃事典 /

Zukai ko jū jiten.

by Sōkichi Tokoro;



Teppō roppyakunenten.

by Yomiuri Shinbunsha.;


日野鉄炮 /


by Taira Sawada;


兵器考. 砲熕篇 一般部 /

Heikikō. ()

by Shōzō Arisaka;


加賀藩と鉄炮 /

Kagahan to teppō

by Masao Yonemura;


鉄砲のカラクリ : 近世の技術革新沢田コレクションより第5回企画展

Teppō no karakuri.

by Azuchijō Kōko Hakubutsukan(shiga Kenritsu);


日本陸軍の火砲步兵砲対戦車砲他 : 日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究 /

Nihon rikugun no kahō hoheihō tai senshahō hoka : Nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyū

by Jirō Sayama;


鄉土の鉄砲鍛冶 : 伊勢・伊賀・志摩 /

Kyōdo no teppō kaji

by Seiichi Yagase;


蝦夷地鉄砲伝来と北辺防備の大砲 /

Ezochi teppō denrai to hokuhen bōbi no taihō

by Kingo Aida;


日本陸軍の火砲機関砲要塞砲 : 日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究. 続 /

Nihon rikugun no kaho kikanho yosaiho : Nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyu. Zoku.

by Jiro Sayama;


鉄砲 : 歴史を変えた新兵器開館20周年特別展 /


by Sōnan Hakubutsukan(chiba Kenritsu);


ねじと鉄砲の文化史 /

Neji to teppō no bunkashi

by Yūkichi Iwata;


上杉鉄炮物語 : 火縄は消えず /

Uesugi teppō monogatari : hinawa wa kiezu

by 近江雅和, 1923- Masakazu Ōmi



Bakumatsu sagahan seihō kankei shiryōshū.


大砲と海戦 : 前装式カノン砲からOTOメララ砲まで /

Taihō to kaisen : zensōshiki kanonhō kara ottō merarahō made

by 大内建二. Kenji Ōuchi


野砲山砲 : 日本陸軍の火砲 /

Yahō sanpō : nihon rikugun no kahō

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


機関砲 : 日本陸軍の火砲 /

Kikanhō : nihon rikugun no kahō

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


兵器考. 砲熕篇 海軍砲熕・小銃 /

Heikikō. ()

by Shōzō Arisaka;


野戦重砲騎砲他 : 日本陸軍の火砲 /

Yasen jūhō kihō hoka : nihon rikugun no kahō

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


銃砲術の系譜 /

Jūhōjutsu no keifu

by Masayuki Shibuya;


銃を極める愉しみ: 完本。

Jū o kiwameru tanoshimi : kanpon.

by 佐藤富雄 Tomio Satō


高射砲 : 日本陸軍の火砲日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究 /

Kōshahō : nihon rikugun no kahō nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyū

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


イッテイ: 13年式村田步兵銃の創製。.

Ittei : jūsannenshiki murata hoheijū no sōsei.

by 小松直之 Naoyuki Komatsu; Nisohachi Hyōdō


要塞砲 : 日本陸軍の火砲日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究 /

Yōsaihō : nihon rikugun no kahō nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyū

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama



Sekiguchi taihō seizōsho.

by 大松騏一. Kiichi Ōmatsu


東アジア兵器交流史の研究 : 十五-十七世紀における兵器の受容と伝播 /

Higashiajia heiki kōryūshi no kenkyū : jūgo jūshichiseiki ni okeru heiki no juyō to denpa.

by Takehisa Udagawa;


機関銃の社会史 /

Kikanjū no shakaishi.

by John Ellis; Michio Ochi;


鉄砲を捨てた日本人 : 日本史に学ぶ軍縮 /

Teppō o suteta nihonjin : nihonshi ni manabu gunshuku

by Noel Perrin; Heita Kawakatsu;


第2次大戦イタリア陸軍装備ファイル /

Dai2ji taisen itaria rikugun sōbi fairu

by Kai Shimada; Yoshiaki Inada;


戦国合戦を科学する : そのとき「戦場」で何が起きていたのか.

Sengoku kassen o kagaku suru : sonotoki senjō de nani ga okite ita noka.


鉄砲からハイテクへ : 江戶時代の科学澤田コレクション /

Teppō kara haiteku e : edo jidai no kagaku sawada korekushon.

by Shigeta Yoshimura; Taira Sawada; Shibunkaku Bijutsukan.;


特別展日本の鉄砲 : 吉岡コレクションの全貌に迫る /

Tokubetsuten nihon no teppō : yoshioka korekushon no zenbō ni semaru.

by Ōsakajō Tenshukaku.;


古銃 /

Ko jū.

by Shin'ichi Yoshioka;


鉄砲展 : 種子島から現代まで.

Teppōten : tanegashima kara gendai made.

by Nihon Raifuru Shageki Kyōkai.;


英米日の小銃・自転車・自動車産業 /

Ei bei nichi no shōjū jitensha jidōsha sangyō

by 川地博行. Hiroyuki Kawachi


鉄炮伝来錄 /

Teppō denrairoku.

by Tenshū Nishimura;


迫撃砲噴進砲他 : 日本陸軍の火砲日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究 /

Hakugekihō funshinhō hoka : nihon rikugun no kahō nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyū

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


步兵砲対戦車砲他 : 日本陸軍の火砲日本の陸戦兵器徹底研究 /

Hoheihō taisenshahō hoka : nihon rikugun no kahō nihon no rikusen heiki tettei kenkyū

by 佐山二郎. Jirō Sayama


火砲の起原とその伝流 /

Kahō no kigen to sono denryū

by 有馬成甫. Seiho Arima


半田山の午砲台: 岡山の時の社会史断章。

Handayama no gohōdai : okayama no toki no shakaishi danshō.

by 日笠俊男 Toshio Hikasa


漢文・満洲文档案史料による明淸交替期東アジアにおける火器の伝播と普及に関する研究 /

Kanbun manshūbun tōan shiryō ni yoru min shin kōtaiki higashiajia ni okeru kaki no denpa to fukyū ni kansuru kenkyū.

by Takashi Kuba; Fuji Zerokkusu Kobayashi Setsutarō Kinen Kikin.;


日本を変えた!種子島の鉄砲とザビエルの十字架 : 大航海時代の日本人の才智 /

Nihon o kaeta tanegashima no teppō to zabieru no jūjika : daikōkai jidai no nihonjin no saichi.

by Yūmi Ishihara;

  • Like 1
Wow Eric!

Had no idea.

So if someone was to look at having just one of them translated, which is the "one"?



Brian, not all of them are about Japanese matchlocks, some are about WWII weapons, some are about cannon etc, but for us non Japanese speaking people, you can cut and paste the kanji into a search engine and come up with some interesting results in both text and images.


I always find it tedious and frustrating to sit by a pc with mouse in hand trying to research something.

Noooope. I want to sit on my bed with an open book and research the item. No online translator please.




Eric's list was so dazzlingly wonderful, I hesitate to even try to improve it, but there is one more publication that deserves to be mentioned.

Japanese Imported Arms of the Early Meiji Era


Koss, Joseph P, editor,


Francis Allan

Chip Goddard

Takehito Jimbo

Doss White

Stanley Zielinski

Banzai Special project #10

ISBN 978-0-9614814-6-9


Eric's list was so dazzlingly wonderful, I hesitate to even try to improve it, but there is one more publication that deserves to be mentioned.

Japanese Imported Arms of the Early Meiji Era


Koss, Joseph P, editor,


Francis Allan

Chip Goddard

Takehito Jimbo

Doss White

Stanley Zielinski

Banzai Special project #10

ISBN 978-0-9614814-6-9


Peter my all means if anyone has a book to add please do, I have not heard of this book but it looks interesting, do you have it?



I do have a copy of Banzai SP 10. It is useful and handsome, but I got it thru a friend so I am not sure how to get it. I suggest that you contact the publisher Francis Allan, 20 Courtney Place Plam Coast, FL 32137-8126, (386) 445-4225,


I imagine that others on this Board would be potential buys

Best of luck.



I do have a copy of Banzai SP 10. It is useful and handsome, but I got it thru a friend so I am not sure how to get it. I suggest that you contact the publisher Francis Allan, 20 Courtney Place Plam Coast, FL 32137-8126, (386) 445-4225,


I imagine that others on this Board would be potential buys

Best of luck.


How about a little insight or even a few images so we can see what is in this book, it sounds interesting.



I just made so bold as to call Mr. Allan, nice guy, and very welcoming.

The book is available for $48.00 from castle-thunder.com. That site has a picture of the cover, but no interiors. It is soft cover, 210 pages. Most pages have pictures of guns, marks, or copied photographs, many in color. Lot of Japanese marks translated. i think it is fair to say that this is AMERICAN research, based on bangers found on this side of the pond. It is NOT Japanese. forhat reason, I find it analytical rather than simply descriptive. Japanese researchers tend to let the fact speak for themselves. There is plenty of description here but it is hung together very well.

Now, I do NOT have a dog in this fight, but I am sure that you will get $48 of value out of it. If you buy it, find it wanting, and ship it to me, I'll give you the 48 bucks. If you LIKE it, you can buy me a drink in Frisco!


If only I had had the foresight to review the book 2 years ago...

Search the forum folks.... ;)

Eric, you have a short memory...you even commented on it :rotfl:

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12267 Brian

Brian, thanks for reminding me about this book, for some reason I have not seen it mentioned since the thread you pointed out.



Brian, not all of them are about Japanese matchlocks, some are about WWII weapons, some are about cannon etc, but for us non Japanese speaking people, you can cut and paste the kanji into a search engine and come up with some interesting results in both text and images.

I always find it tedious and frustrating to sit by a pc with mouse in hand trying to research something.

Noooope. I want to sit on my bed with an open book and research the item. No online translator please. Brian


Brian I should have been clearer in my meaning, I was referring to the book titles, since just about every Japanese term for firearms is contained in the titles of these books the kanji can be cut and pasted into a search engine in order to bring up images and articles that are only available in Japanese, take this book for example "大砲入門: 陸軍兵器徹底研究。.Taihō nyūmon : rikugun heiki tettei kenkyū. by 佐山二郎 Jirō Sayama", if you take this kanji (陸軍兵器) from the title and pasting it into a search engine you can find images of artillery and cannon. if you paste this kanji (大砲入門) into a search engine you get images of Cannon cameras and cannon/artillery etc.


If you take the title of this book 古銃 /Ko jū. by Shin'ichi Yoshioka; and do a search with the kanji (古銃) you get some good images of various types of pistols. You can find these books for sale in Japan by pasting the kanji for the book title into a search engine.



Although I am still relatively young, and a wiz at certain aspects of a pc, I have yet to master the art of getting kanji off an item and onto a pc. I have no idea how to type kanji into a search engine besides cut and paste, or even how to identify what kanji I am looking at and then attempt to type it. I tried the typical cut and paste into Google translate, but for some reason, got no response from Google. :dunno:



  • Haha 1

Although I am still relatively young, and a wiz at certain aspects of a pc, I have yet to master the art of getting kanji off an item and onto a pc. I have no idea how to type kanji into a search engine besides cut and paste, or even how to identify what kanji I am looking at and then attempt to type it. I tried the typical cut and paste into Google translate, but for some reason, got no response from Google. :dunno:


Brian, I have found that translators are no good for cut and paste kanji, instead I paste the kanji to search bar (using Chrome browser) and the results are automatically translated and highlighted, I then save the kanji and the translation for future reference or searches.


Take this book for instance, (鉄砲と日本人 : 「鉄砲神話」が隠してきたこと / Teppō to Nihonjin : "teppō shinwa" ga kakushite kita koto by 鈴木眞哉, 1936- Masaya Suzuki). When I paste this kanji (鉄砲と日本人) into my Chrome browser and do a search I get this as the translation (Japanese and gun). Here is an image I found when doing an image search using the same kanji.







Here is a link to some kanji and an explanation of what images will come up if they are pasted into a search bar. http://nihon-no-katchu.proboards.com/th ... arch-terms For example, if you paste this kanji (火縄銃射撃の実演) to a search bar you will see some great matchlock demonstration photographs.



That isn't the problem. It is looking at kanji in say a book, or on a book cover, and then being able to type those same kanji into a browser. I'm assuming the important part is learning how to count strokes. Then you need a way to input the kanji onto the pc.

I know the plugins etc that allow you to type kanji, but looking at one and then being able to type it..... :freak:



  • 1 month later...

Fans(otaku :rotfl: ) scan, then redraw, then edit, then translate, then typeset, then proof read, hundreds(thousands?) of manga every month at no personal gain, surely NMB members can pull off one or two books... ethical reasons aside.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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