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Question about sword


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First, since you're asking us to help you, please follow Brian's rules & sign every single post with at least your first name. You can easily set up a signature in your profile.


Second, what do YOU know about this blade? Have you done any research on when it was made & who might have made it? Have you bought any books to study about your new hobby? In other words, why are you willing to take our or anyone else's advice on something you're going to spend money on?


This topic has been covered many, many times, & I suggest you at least search through the NMB archives to see how others have answered your question.



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Dear Paul.


You don't specify what currency you are working with but if it was me I would pass on this one. It has gunto mounts but the saya is at best scruffy, at worst nothing to do with the sword. The blade is mumei as you say and bears the signs of being a WWII production sword, though of course we can't see any of the detail of the hamon or hada because it is out of polish. If you want to collect military swords then there are much better examples around, if you want to collect other swords then there is little to recommend this one.


We all understand the desire to own a real Japanese sword and when it comes time to part with your cash then of course this is your choice. Have a browse through the links to dealer pages at the top of the page and get a feel for what is out there before you make up your mind.


All the best.

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I agree with everyone else. It is a sword made for ww2 using mass production techniques to some degree. It is worth around 3-400 USD in its current condition to a militaria collector if you're lucky. It is also not worth restoring.


Trent Spencer

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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