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Hi Everyone,


I am thinking about buying this sword. It is a blade taken after it was handed in at the end of WW2 that hasn't been on the market yet. I have the opportunity to buy it as Ive just viewed it. Asking price is $2000 from the veterans son. It has a average saya but I didn't take pics of that because it didn't seem particularly interesting. The blade is in very good condition but has a few forging flaws but no damage. Very bright hamon though. Sorry photos had to be severely cut down due to size restrictions. Blade isn't signed on the side of the tang but on the top under the collar. Anything you can tell me about the koshire of blade, the blade itself, plus what you think its worth would be greatly appreciated.




Trent Spencer








"Unique." It's one thing purchasing unique that has a certain quality, it's quite another just buying unique. Junk can be unique.

Beginner's should be cautious and not mistake the uniqueness of sword fittings as a sign of a good sword and vice versa. Keep each separate and look for their quality independently. Then if you decide the fittings and/or the sword are worth the price, so be it.

Other nihonto collectors may have a different view.


Information on it? Certainly not based upon the images you posted which unless I missed it does not have an image of the shape of the sword which is most important. None the less from what can be seen is enough to make me offer the opinion previously written.


The nakago looks very odd-no wonder since it was welded on. The tsuka-ito looks like it was done yesterday. I agree with Franco, save your money. This is a train wreck.




thanks for your help! :) I was leaning that way before I posted but im not informed enough to know if I was giving some rare sword away so I thought id check here. Usually its easier to tell but the koshire threw me a bit.




Trent Spencer

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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