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Are you planning on doing this yourself or do you want a person to do the work? Robert Soanes and or Dave Thatcher both do great work, both are in England. There are others that are trained to do this work. It is not easy. The material can be purchased from Namikawa in Japan, you tell them the color and width and they have it made in silk.



Need to change the ito of a shikoro kabuto. Have you got some adress ?




Patrick, it would be helpful to post an image of the kabuto you have that needs to be restored, the correct terms for the lace would be either shikagawa odoshi 鹿革威 (doe shin leather) or odoshi ito 威糸 (pure silk braid), also were are you located.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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