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I was outbid in the last two seconds

I should have had a bit more nerve and bid higher

I think the mei was 2nd generation so pretty good

I wondered if it was snow but as stated earlier blossom is much better (samurai) idea

Also wondered if the green was inlay or enamel, enamel would have been a bonus

I was put off with the black patina but had to guess this was due to the lighting



O well a bit more money for the next one

Grev UK


Are you sure that is intentional cherry blosums and not paint splatter? Would the smith have placed inlay on the seppa-dai? Looks like paint to me. Also looks to be scratched at the bottom.



I can not believe that the spots were placed all over the place - on the edges - spatter - and nothing on the other. What would they be made of ? Paint I would believe that as a credible explanation without having the item in hand.


thats some lazy guy to have that left out when painting a wall with a roller. Now the question is does one remove it or be romatic and see petals of the cherry tree and its short life as is the true Samurai

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