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So this showed up in my email box, looks legit enough but not my area of collecting. Does anybody know this guy?



Mr Hector Arboleas wrote:


The price for both swords is $ 4950. This, and all the other information about the swords, you can find it in the website at : http://swords4sale.gigasrc.com


Thank you again.


Hector Arboleas


The link works for me - takes me to four pages with photos of a signed type 98 and a civilian mounted wakizashi, ostensiibly for sale, contact info page, looks like a real website.


So no one has heard of this guy?




I do as well -- the program on our computers is recognizing the link as spam and diverting it to this type of domain name purchase/seach site. I would make note of the name and not use him as a source.



Chances are it was suspended after you had visited it, and it is loading the page from cache.

Even if not, I would not take a chance.



This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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