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I learned today, and must note with sorrow, that Neil Keen, a long time collector from the St. Louis area has passed away. Neil was a Hall of Fame flat track motorcycle racer with a sharp wit and a very good eye. I always appreciated his insights about well crafted objects, swords, fittings, or anything else. Neil faced medical issues for some time, but anyone who saw him whip thru the Chicago Show on his power chair could see that he never lost his racer's sensibilities. The world is reduced.

Peter Bleed


Well put, Peter. My first contact with Neil was in 1973 or 1974. He soon became "one of the boys" who came over and talked swords with a few of "the boys" downstairs in my bare-bones basement hideaway. Lots of swords turned up regularly in those days, so there was always a lot of new finds to enjoy. Neil was always a talker and a thinker which resulted in lots of good sword study and some tall tails, too. Always a time to reminsce when one of our "old timers" pass on. Ron STL

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