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kiku tsuba and lobster kozuka


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The radiating lines into the non-seppa dai is a common Saotome design. I have

several such in my meager collection. Perhaps a Saotome plate (they made them

for many other schools) with a Shoami sukashi? Just a thought.


Rich S

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Thank you one and all and esp lerning about the heigth of the kozuka hitsuana, very intersting.

that being said i think ill post the kozuka in same thread, know the hori on the blade is a form of Sono kurikara, but how does one view the kozuka, Lobster holding the banner? or is it on the end of a spear?

do we know the age or school, a few things hinky on the wak but its starting to grow on me.post-21-14196892201592_thumb.jpg



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Nice kiku tsuba, what's the width of the plate Stephen?


I have katana size kiku tsuba with no seppa dai as well, common to this design. Mine is also Saotome school. I think that the sukashi mon is later addition. The width of the plate is 2.5 mm




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Nothing to do with not having anything good to say. Just that kogatana are impossible to date since most are not shoshin...and the kozuka is a typical one..nice but mid to late Edo like most are. All perfectly acceptable items, but nothing bad (or exemplary) to say about them :)



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