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I agree the mei looks strange. But please ignore suggestions to have it removed until many more people (with a lot more knowledge) have looked at it.


Hi Gabriel

I cant really tell from the images but it certainly looks strange. I don't want to forget the fact that the blade looks interesting. The Horimono looks later and not to my taste but the shape of the blade hada and hamon all look to have merit (again from what can be seen from the image). The artificial patina and strange mei could have lead to the original description of this being a naginata naoshi. I don't think it ever was a naginanta and was made this way. The artificial patination may have been done at some point to add credibility to the mei.

Whatever the background I think it is one to be appreciated for its merits rather than focussing on what is or might be wrong.


Wasn't this already discussed?


It is a poor attempt at trying to pass this off as the work of the famous smith Norishige. Mei is bad, nakago sabi is artificial, horimono is out of place, workmanship in the blade is out of place.


Well, he wants to get rid of it now if you have seen the topic in the for sale section.


Though the blade looks nice, the horimono as well as nakago do not do it for me. I do not think it was ever a naginata due to the nakago being the way it is.



This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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