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My poor transcription may help. I didn't proof this.




「現代刀匠による銘切りの実演J (4 F)


「我が家のお宝鑑定J (無料) (4 F)

毎日午後から随時開催/刀剣刀装具武具甲皆無料評価鑑定 買入れ相談承ります

At the same time is an exhibition of swordsmiths work (10,000) from all over Japan.

Swords on the 3rd floor. Koshirae and fittings on the 4th floor.

A demonstration in the afternoon by a modern smith. Free entry. 4th floor.


The rest is times, dates, location and contact numbers. John




「現代刀匠による銘切りの実演J (4 F)


「我が家のお宝鑑定J (無料) (4 F)

毎日午後から随時開催/刀剣刀装具武具甲皆無料評価鑑定 買入れ相談承ります


Exhibit of many smiths from Bakumatsu era on the third floor

modern smith cutting mei on the forth floor

free kantei for walk in family treasures on the forth floor

each day from the afternoon there will be sword, fittings, armor, etc. appraisal and free buying advice


Just in case someone spots a katana sized tsuba that would make a matching pair with the one in my profile picture viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7183

I 'd appreciate a PM and seller's contact info.


Have fun at DTI and please don't forget to take pictures for the rest of us!


Problems with work and otherwise prevented me from going. Oh, well. Hopefully next year.

What I wish for all of you who are going to attend is to have safe travel, and a joyous, enlightening visit. Please contribute some pictures here so we will have good reason to cry in our preferred beverages... :cry:

  • 3 weeks later...

Heavy rains? I've heard they are attracted to Tokyo when Cyrus is in town.

Mike Y or someone else painted a distinct picture of heavy rains, Cyrus' primero shoes, wet tiles, and a heavy backpack lead to some Henry Ford-Chevy Chase moments.


Well, on top of two Tsunami the Fukushima coast just got a 7.1 quake offshore. No reports of tsunami or damage but it's middle of the night there so I hope all are OK.


Update: apparently no damage and only minimal tsunami activity so all seems to be well there.


I took quite a few pictures at the Yakatabune event, the DTI, and Mr. Kurokawa's party - all in RAW format, so I have to properly process them before showing them here. Give me a few days - I'm still quite busy these coming days - and I'll post them for the usual "who's-who-game". Highlights will include squid tentacles protruding from Cyrus' mouth and many more unique shots :-).

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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